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Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Location: Sea Lodge Hotel in La Jolla, CA
1:00-4:00 PM Group Discussion I: Microbial Ecology and Evolution
First Question: “How do microorganisms interact with their environments, with each other and with their neighbors or hosts?”
- Organizer: John Wooley / Calit2 and UC San Diego
- Co-Chair: Terry Gaasterland/ SIO-UCSD
- Co-Chair: James M. Tiedje/ Michigan State University
4:00-6:00 PM On-site Registration/Cocktail Hour
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00-7:20 PM Welcome: Paul Gilna/ Calit2-UCSD
7:20-7:50 PM Keynote Speech I: Jo Handelsman/ University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Functional metagenomics to capture the soil resistome"
[Abstract] [video] [pdf]

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Location: Calit2 Auditorium, Atkinson Hall
7:30-8:30 AM On-site Registration, Breakfast, and Poster Setup
8:30-8:50 AM Opening Remarks by John Wooley/ UCSD [video]
8:50-9:20 AM Larry Smarr/ Calit2-UCSD
"Cyber metagenomics" [Abstract] [video] [ppt]
9:20-10:25 AM Metagenomics I: Microbial Population and Environmental Genomics
   - Francisco Rodriguez-Valera/ Universidad Miguel Hernández
    "Strain genome, pangenome and metagenome: The case of
     the square haloarchaeon" [Abstract] [video] [ppt]
   - Jeffrey I. Gordon/ Washington University of St. Louis
    "It's so nice to have a few trillion friends: Exploring the
     structure and functions of our human gut microbiota and
     microbiome" [Abstract] [video]
10:25-10:40 AM Coffee Break
10:40-12:00 PM Metagenomics II: Microbial Cyberinfrastructure
(This session is followed by demonstrations after Lunch)
   - Paul Gilna/ Calit2-UCSD
    "The CAMERA project: A cyberinfrastructure for microbial
     metagenomic research" [Abstract] [video] [ppt]
   - Frank Oliver Glöckner/ Max Planck Institute for Marine
     Microbiology (Germany)
    "Novel approaches to bioinformatics for metagenome analysis"
    [Abstract] [video]
   - Victor Markowitz/ Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
    "IMG/M: Towards a production metagenome data management
     and analysis system" [Abstract] [video]
12:00-1:00 PM Lunch and Poster Setup
1:00-2:30 PM Parallel Tutorials/Demonstrations
Multiple locations in Calit2 (Atkinson Hall)
   - Tutorial: CAMERA
   - Tutorial: IMG/M
   - Tutorial: megx.net
   - Demonstration: OptIPortal (tiled display demo)
   - Demonstration: 4K Super High Definition
2:30-2:45 PM Coffee Break
2:45-4:20 PM Metagenomics III: Microbial Evolution, Functional
Metagenomics and Biogeochemistry

- W. Ford Doolittle/ Dalhousie University (Canada)
  "Metagenomes and metaspecies" [Abstract] [video]
- Vincent Denef/ University of California, Berkeley
  "Strain-resolved community proteomics reveals that
   recombination shapes the genomes of acidophilic bacteria"
  [Abstract] [video]
- Edward F. DeLong/ MIT
  "Microbial ocean metagenomics: The central dogma meets
   systems ecology" [Abstract] [video] [pdf]
4:20-4:35 PM Coffee Break
4:35-5:45 PM Metagenomics IV: Panel Discussion/ Challenge and Opportunities
- Co-Chair: Doug Bartlett/ SIO-UCSD
- Co-Chair: Rob Edwards/ San Diego State University
Panel: all speakers and more [video]
6:00-7:30 PM Poster Session/Cocktail Hour
7:30 PM Dinner
8:30-9:00 PM Keynote Speech II: Jonathan Eisen/ University of California, Davis
"The 'axis of evol' and the uses of evolutionary analysis in metagenomic studies" [Abstract] [video]
(Go back to Sea Lodge Hotel by Shuttle)
Thursday, October 5, 2006

Location: Synthesis Center at Calit2, Atkinson Hall
     (Go to Atkinson Hall by Shuttle)
8:00-9:00 AM Breakfast
9:00-12:00 PM Group Discussion II: Biogeochemistry
First Question: “How do microorganism-driven geochemical cycles affect structure and function of ecosystems?”
- Organizer: John Wooley/ UCSD
- Co-Chair: Jed Fuhrman/ University of Southern California [ppt]
- Co-Chair: Forest Rohwer / San Diego State University

(* Not confirmed)
Contact: Kayo Arima  (858) 822-4649  karima@ucsd.edu
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation CAMERA UCSD Calit2 J. Craig Venter Institute