
Keynote and Machine Learning Tutorials at Information Theory Workshop Now Archived for On-Demand Viewing

San Diego, CA, February 4, 2007 -- More than 500 leading researchers from around the world gathered at UC San Diego last week for the second annual Information Theory and Applications Workshop. The five-day event was organized by Calit2's Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Center, under director Alon Orlitsky, and coincided with his appointment to the new QUALCOMM Endowed Chair for Information Theory and its Applications, part of QUALCOMM's commitment to support Calit2 and the Jacobs School of Engineering. (To read about the appointment, click here .)

Some of the talks, a panel discussion and an "open problems" session were webcast in real time, and they are now archived for on-demand viewing. To watch individual streaming video clips, click on the image or video link below [Real player and broadband connection required].

ITA Panel
Panel Discussion on Publication Issues
(l-r) Dave Forney, MIT; Andrea Goldsmith, Stanford; Steve McLaughlin, Georgia Tech; Dave Neuhoff, Michigan; Vince Poor, Princeton; Rudiger Urbanke, EPFL; and Paul Siegel, UCSD.
Length: 1:01:28  [video]
Michael Jordan Keynote: Recent Developments in Non-Parametric Bayesian Modeling
Michael Jordan
UC Berkeley
Length: 1:02:01  [video]
Andrew McCallum Joint Interference in Natural Language Processing, Information Extraction and Social Network Analysis
Andrew McCallum, UMass
Length: 1:03:17  [video]
Glenn Shafer Prediction With and Without Exchangeability
Glenn Shafer, Rutgers University
Length: 1:07:15 [video]
John Lafferty ppts Challenges in Statistical Machine Learning
John Lafferty, Carnegie Mellon University
Length: 1:24:13  [video]
Michael Kearns Understanding No-Regret Learning
Michael Kearns, University of Pennsylvania
Length: 1:06:19  [video]
Alon Orlitsky Open Problem #1
Communicating Correlated Files: The Two Insertions Problem

Alon Orlitsky, UCSD and Director, ITA Center
Length: 12:56 [video]
Navin Kashyap Open Problem #2
Two Dreadfully Difficult Questions on the Subject of Code Minors
Navin Kashyap, Queen's University (Canada)
Length: 14:27  [video]
Suhas Diggavi Open Problem #3
Compound Channels with Multiple Messages and Degraded Message Set Broadcasting
Suhas Diggavi, Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne
Length: 10:02  [video]
Fabio Fagnani Open Problem #4
On the Achievable Capacity of Group Codes over Symmetric Channels
Fabio Fagnani, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
Length: 12:47 [video]
Daniela Tuninetti Open Problem #5
Is Gaussian Input Optimal in Fading AWGN Broadcast Channels with Receiver State Information Only?
Daniela Tuninetti, University of Illinois at Chicago
Length: 12:39  [video]

Some 270 talks were delivered during a remarkably diverse program that reflected as much interest in new fields that could benefit from information theory, as in traditional fields such as communications and storage that trace many of their key advances of the last 40 years to the theory that underlies the digital revolution.

Related Links

Information Theory and Applications Center
2007 ITA Workshop