
La Jolla Bioinformatics Conference 2008 Video Archive

San Diego, CA, April 14, 2008 --  Calit2's Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology (CASB) at UC San Diego recently brought together bioinformatics experts from the public and private sectors to review recent advances, to understand how bioinformatics developments are affecting the drug-discovery and health care industries, and to discuss future directions for research in the field. Organized by CASB director Pavel Pevzner and Ph.D. student Nitin Gupta, the Apr. 4 La Jolla Bioinformatics Conference brought together researchers from local biotech companies and academics, notably from UCSD, The Scripps Research Institute and the Salk Institute.  For more on the conference, click here .

Archived webcasts of select panels and talks are now available for on-demand viewing. [ Windows Media Player and broadband connection required; click for information on the latest version, and on players for Mac and Linux users. ] To watch each video, click on the image or highlighted video link.

Steven Hofstadler
Industry 1
Steven Hofstadler, Ibis Biosciences, Inc.
Length: 30:03 [video]
Trey Ideker
Academy 1
"Developing Cytoscape"
Trey Ideker, Bioengineering, UC San Diego
Length: 37:26 [video]
Howard Asher
Industry 3
"The Art of Medicine to Science"
Howard Asher, CEO, Global Life Sciences, Inc.
Length: 42:30 [video]
Gerard Manning
Academy 3
Gerard Manning
Razavi-Newman Center for Bioinformatics, Salk Institute
Length: 34:33 [video]
Gary Fogel
Industry 4
"Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics"
Gary Fogel, Natural Selection, Inc.
Length: 34:32 [video]
Bernhard Palsson
Academy 4
Bernhard Palsson, Bioengineering, UC San Diego
Length: 32:49 [video]
Tobias Mann
Industry 5
"Visualizing Genome Analyzer Runs"
Tobias Mann, Illumina, Inc.
Length: 25:01
Philip Bourne
Panel Discussion - Parts 1 and 2
Moderator: Philip Bourne, Pharmacology, UC San Diego 
Length: 32:05
[video 1] Length: 30:10 [video 2]

CASB aims to bring together researchers from the biological and computational communities, from both academia and industry, to discuss areas of mutual interest, advance the frontiers of cancer research, and expand the community of researchers working in bioinformatics.

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La Jolla Bioinformatics Conference 2008