
VentureForth's Fifth Annual Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Conference 2008 - Video Now Available

San Diego, CA, June 23, 2008 -- The future of innovation in the field of biotechnology was the topic at hand at the 5th annual VentureForth Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Conference, held at the UC San Diego division of Calit2 on May 3rd, 2008. The conference was open to all scholars and members of the community and included a keynote address by CardioNet CEO James Sweeney, as well as discussions about leadership and management, breakthrough models in biotech, clean technology and intellectual property. Sponsors of the conference included Merck, ResMed, Amira Pharmaceuticals and UCSD Associated Students.

Archived webcasts of the videos are now available for on-demand viewing. [ Windows Media Player and broadband connection required; click for information on the latest version, and on players for Mac and Linux users. ] To watch each video, click on the image or highlighted video link.

MAY 3, 2008
James Sweeney
James Sweeney
CEO of Cardionet
Length: 1:04:59 [video]
Lab to Boardroom Panel
Julia Brown - Amylin
Kevin Lustig - Assay Depot
Andrew Shiau - Kalypsys
Paul Shabram - Ventana Biosciences
Length: 56:04 [video]

Duane Roth - CONNECT
Length: 52:55 [video]

Clean Technology Panel
Moderator: Holly Smithson - VP of Cleantech San Diego
Dr. Fatemeh Shirazi - Founder & President Microvi Biotech
Seth Burns- Founder & Managing Member of Biogas & Electric, LLC
Anthony Arand - CEO of Envirepel
Length: 15:49 [video]
Intellectual Property & Financing  Your Venture Panel
Moderator: Stephen Flaim - Technology and Business Advisor, von Liebig Center, James Schaeffer - Merck Otis Littlefield - IP Attorney, Morrison & Foerster LLP, John Rodenrys - TCA / CEO & Sr. Managing Director Leading Ventures, Ned Israelsen - TCA / Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear LLP
Length: 55:48 [video]
Closing Remarks/Raffle/Networking
Length: 9:14 [video]

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