
La Jolla Research & Innovation Summit

La Jolla, CA, April 2-3, 2009 --More than 150 local and out-of-town venture capitalists and top scientists and leaders from the region's elite research institutions convened at the inaugural La Jolla Research & Innovation Summit on April 2-3, 2009. CONNECT developed the program to showcase San Diego’s research excellence to an exclusive group venture capitalists from throughout Southern California and the Bay Area, as well as Arizona, Connecticut, Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico and New York.  Scientists shared their vision of  where research is heading in the areas San Diego excels. The two-day Summit featured over 20 presentations in four panels, each focused on a different area of innovation, including cleantech, biotechnology, IT & wireless and the convergence of these technologies. Dr. J. Craig Venter, Founder, Chairman & President of the J. Craig Venter Institute, opened the Summit with a keynote talk focusing on his work in genomics research, and Dr. Larry Smarr, Founding Director of Calit2, headlined the second day and set the stage for the IT & wireless and convergence presentations.
CONNECT extends a special thanks to Lead Sponsor, Morrison & Foerster LLP and Panel Sponsors Qualcomm Ventures, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and the Legler Benbough Foundation.

The Summit was developed in partnership with BIOCOM, CleanTECH San Diego, CommNexus, San Diego Software Industry Council, The San Diego Venture Group and TechAmerica.

The UCSD Division of Calit2 recorded the proceedings, and webcast videos of select panels and talks are now available for on-demand viewing [Windows Media Player and broadband connection required; click for information on the latest version, and on players for Mac and Linux users ]. To watch each video, click on the image or highlighted video link.  

Craig Venter
Keynote I: Designing and Synthesizing Life
J. Craig Venter, Founder, Chairman and President, J. Craig Venter Institute
Length: 25:48 [video]
 Clean Tech Innovation Summit - CleanTech San Diego
Lisa Bicker, President and CEO CleanTech
Length: 2:30 [video]
Steven Briggs
Green Houston
Steven Briggs, Professor of Cell and Developmental
Biology, UC San Diego
Length: 26:09 [video]
 Bio Technology San Diego, Ecosystem of Innovation
Length: 6:42 [video]
  Mark Thiemens
Stimulating Cleantech Innovation Through Basic Science Research or, Basic Science Comes Clean(tech)
Mark Thiemens, Dean, Division of Physical Sciences, UC San Diego
Length: 20:40 [video]
 Joseph Wang
Synthetic Nanomotors - Towards Man-Made Nanomachines
Joseph Wang, Professor, Department of NanoEngineering, UC San Diego
Length: 18:03 [video]
 John Reed
Trends in San Diego Life Sciences Research
John Reed, M.D., President & CEO, Burnham Institute for Medical Research
Length: 24:38 [video]
 Fred Gage
Human Embyronic Stem Cells as Models of Human Disease
Fred H. Gage, Professor and Adler Chair for Research on Age-Related Neurodegenerative Diseases, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Length: 20:45 [video]
 Mitch Kronenberg
Overview, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology
Dr. Mitch Kronenberg, President & Scientific Director, La Jolla Institute of Allergy & Immunology
Length: 18:02 [video]
  Stuart Lipton
Opportunities in CNS and Aging: Small Molecules for Neuroprotection and Stem Cell-Based Therapeutics
Stuart Lipton, M.D., Director, Neuroscience, Aging
and Stem Cell Research Center & Professor,
Neurodegenerative Diseases, Burnham Institute
Length: 24:40 [video]
Paul Schimmel
The Large New Class of Biologics
Paul Schimmel, Ernest and Jean Hahn Professor at the Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology at Scripps Research
Length: 24:40 [video]
 Larry Smarr
Keynote II: Calit2: A SoCal UC Infrastructure for Innovation
Larry Smarr, Director, Calit2; Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, UC San Diego
Length: 22:28 [video]
 CommNexus CommNexus San Diego, A Network of Communications Companies
Rory Moore, Board Director and CEO, CommNexus
Length: 4:57 [video]
 Irwin Jacobs
Moderator of High-Tech Innovation Panel
Irwin Jacobs, Founder and former Chairman; Member,
QUALCOMM Board of Directors
Length: 16:24 [video]
 Erin Kenneally
Black Boxes, White Hats, and Grey Laws: Innovation at the Emergining Information Threshold
Erin Kenneally, J.D., Cyber Forensics Analyst, San Diego
Supercomputer Center
Length: 29:30 [video]
 Larry Larson
Ubiquitous Wireless Communications
Larry Larson, Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC San Diego
Length: 15:08 [video]
 Tajana Rosing
Energy Efficient Computing
Tajana Rosing, Assistant Professor, Department of
Computer Science & Engineering, UC San Diego Jacobs
School of Engineering
Length: 27:29 [video]
  Amin Vahdat
Cloud Computing and The Future of the Internet
Amin Vahdat, SAIC Professor of Computer Science and Engineering; Director of the Center for Networked Systems, UC San Diego
Length: 22:42 [video]
 Leo Spiegel
San Diego Venture Group
Leo Spiegel, Managing Partner, Mission Ventures San Diego
Length: 2:14 [video]
 Dan Goldin
Moderator of Convergence Panel
Dan Goldin, Founder, Chairman & CEO, The Intellisis
Length: 9:22 [video]
Shu Chien
Synergism Between Engineering and Medicine in Reserach Innovation for Health Care
Shu Chien, M.D., Professor of Bioengineering &
Medicine; Founding Director, Institute of Engineering in Medicine (IEM), UC San Diego
Length: 21:01 [video]
 Gerald Edelman  
Neuroscience and Machine Learning
Gerald Edelman, M.D., Chairman, Department of
Neurobiology, The Scripps Research Institute
Length: 25:11 [video]
 Mark Ellisman Cataloging the Brain at All Scales
Mark Ellisman, Founding Director, Center for
Research in Biological Systems, and Professor of Neurosciences & Bioengineering, UC San Diego
Length: 32:55 [video]
 Closing Remarks Closing Remarks
Duane Roth, Executive Director, CONNECT San Diego
Length: 00:52 [video]

For more information about the La Jolla Research & Innovation Summit, click here.

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La Jolla Research & Innovation Summit