
La Jolla Conference on Innovation Support for National Security

San Diego, June 17, 2009 -- Autonomous robotics and cyber security were at the top of the agenda when San Diego's CONNECT trade organization staged the first-ever La Jolla Conference on Innovation Support for National Security. It took place June 9 at Calit2 on the UC San Diego campus. The conference explored how the region can leverage its experience in launching critical new technologies to help government address national-security challenges.According to speakers at the conference, the San Diego region is well positioned to do so, with its strong base of expertise in defense, high tech, security, C4ISR, unmanned vehicles, wireless, and IT. Keynote speakers included top Pentagon officials, and CONNECT organized the conference in partnership with key regional trade associations, including AFCEA, NDIA, AUVSI, SDMAC and The Security Network.

The UCSD Division of Calit2 recorded the proceedings, and webcast videos of select panels and talks are now available for on-demand viewing [Windows Media Player and broadband connection required; click for information on the latest version, and on players for Mac and Linux users ]. To watch each video, click on the image or highlighted video link. 

Dan Goldin
Dan Goldin
Founder, Chairman & CEO, Intellisis Corporation, and former NASA Administrator
Length: 7:50 [video]
James Durham
Keynote:The Challenges of Autonomous Robots and Cyberspace
James Durham, Director, Joint Advanced Concepts, Acquisition & Technology, Depatment of Defense
Length: 32:03 [video]
Advanced Autonomous Robotics Panel:
Assessing Needs
Allan Rutherford
UAS System Developments
Allan Rutherford
Manager, Science Applications International Corporation
Length: 13:19 [video]
John D. Evans
New Paths for Autonomous Systems
Dr. John D. Evans, Vice President Business Innovation, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Length: 15:45 [video]
Brian Skibba
Air Force and Joint Service Future Robotics Needs Overview
Brian Skibba, United States Air Force
Length: 24:10 [video]
Michael Bruch
SSC Pacific Unmanned Systems Programs
Michael Bruch, Section Head, Unmanned Systems Branch
SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific
Length: 19:42 [video]
Advanced Autonomous Robotics Panel
San Diego Research Excellence
Thomas Bewley
UCSD Flow Control and Coordinated Robotics Labs
Thomas Bewley, Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UC San Diego
Length: 24:08 [video]
Sonia Martinez
Coordination Algorithms for Multiple Drones
Sonia Martinez, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UC San Diego
Length: 26:42 [video ]
Jeff Wallace
Unmanned and Robotics Systems Autonomy and Interoperability
Jeff Wallace, CTO, Carpe Occasio Technology Systems
Length: 23:43 [video ]
R. Lal Tummala
Miniature Wall-Climbing Robots
R. Lal Tummala, Professor/Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, San Diego State University
Length: 16:28 [video]
Mary Walker
Mary Walker
Former General Counsel, United States Air Force
Length: 2:55 [video]
Lieutenant General Carroll F. Pollett
Keynote:Department of Defense Cyberspace
Lieutenant General Carroll F. Pollett, Director, Defense Information Systems Agency and Commander, Joint Task Force Global Network Operations
Length: 44:48 [video]
Cyber Panel: Assessing Needs
Robert J. Giesler
Future Challenges for Cybersecurity
Robert J. Giesler, Vice President and Corporate Executive Agent for Cyber Programs, SAIC
Length: 23:54 [video]
Frank B. "Ted" Campbell
Changing the Game in Cyber Security
Frank B. "Ted" Campbell, Vice President, Advanced Concepts, Lockheed Martin
Length: 19:13 [video]
Jennifer Kolde
Cyber Security Challenges : A Law Enforcement Perspective
Jennifer Kolde, Agent, San Diego FBI National Security Cyber Squad
Length: 20:00 [video]
Gary Burnette
Cyber: What Keeps Me Up at Night
Gary Burnette, Senior Advisor for Cyber and Information Operations, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific
Length: 19:23 [video]
Cyber Panel: San Diego Cyber Research Initiatives
Murray Jennex
Cyber Research at SDSU: Supporting Business, the Border, and Crisis Response and Management
Murray E. Jennex Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Lead for Knowledge Management, San Diego State University
Length: 20:11 [video]
 Michael VanPutte
National Cyber Range
Michael VanPutte Ph.D., Program Manager, Cyber Range DARPA
Length: 22:33 [video]
 Gary Burnette
Research Activities at SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific
Gary Burnette, Senior Advisor for Cyber and Information Operations, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific
Length: 14:33 [video]
 Stefan Savage
Internet Criminal Economics
Stefan Savage, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UC San Diego
Length: 33:31 [video]

For more information or questions regarding the La Jolla Conference on Innovation Support for National Security, contact Taylor Peterson at or 858-964-1341. 

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La Jolla Conference on Innovation Support for National Security