
Content Based Image Retrieval Via Structure, Color, and Texture

J. K. Aggarwal

Presenter: J. K. Aggarwal, Professor and Director of the Computer and Vision Research Center, University of Texas at Austin

Host: Professor Mohan Trivedi - contact Professor Trivedi through Lori Unruh at

Date: Tuseday, August 6, 2002

Time: 3:00pm, Reception to follow

Location: CMRR Auditorium, UC San Diego campus, La Jolla [Directions] [Parking Information]

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Courtesy: California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology [Calit²]

Abstract: The use of images permeates almost every discipline today. Thus, it is not surprising that content based image retrieval finds use in applications ranging from surveillance, medical records, and video summarization. At the University of Texas at Austin, we are pursuing a number of projects on human motion, perceptual grouping and image / video processing. We have found perceptual grouping to be a valuable tool in our quest for better content based image retrieval. Traditionally, color and texture have been the mainstay for retrieval of images from databases. We have added structure derived via perceptual grouping to this list. The presentation will focus on the deriving of structure via perceptual grouping, and its use in the classification and retrieval of images. It will further show that structure adds significantly to the efficiency of the retrieval of images, and particularly for images containing man made objects. Our analysis shows that structure, color and texture form an excellent feature set for the retrieval of images including both natural and manmade. A hands-on comparison of results using color, texture and structure will be available. The future use of our system in surveillance and video summarization will be discussed.

Bio: J. K. Aggarwal has served on the faculty of the University of Texas at Austin College of Engineering since 1964 and is currently the Cullen Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the Computer and Vision Research Center. His research interests include computer vision and pattern recognition. A Fellow of IEEE since 1976 and IAPR since 1998, he received the Senior Research Award of the American Society of Engineering Education in 1992, and the 1996 Technical Achievement Award of the IEEE Computer Society. He has served as Chairman of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (1987-1989); Director of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Multisensor Fusion for Computer Vision, Grenoble, France (1989); Chairman of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (1993), and President of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (1992-94). He is a Life Fellow of IEEE and Golden Core member of IEEE Computer Society. He has authored and edited a number of books, chapters, proceedings of conferences, and papers.

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