
Clean Energy Grant Submissions Invited

San Diego, Jan. 23, 2013  -- Calit2 faculty, students and researchers at UC San Diego are welcome to submit proposals to develop clean-energy technologies. Grants up to $40,000 each would go for prototype development, testing, and proof-of-concept studies. The grant program is organized by the Jacobs School of Engineering's von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center. 

Clean energy technologies developed by faculty, student and staff researchers are invited
The von Liebig Center has issued the latest invitation to participate in this year's Southern California Clean Energy Technology Acceleration Program. 

The call for proposals marks the launch of the third year for the clean-energy program, a partnership with the Rady School of Management, San Diego State University, the Jacobs School of Engineering, and its von Liebig Center.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, this program aims to catalyze the translation of clean energy and energy-efficient technologies from universities to the private sector. Eligible researchers must be associated with research institutes and universities in the Southern California region.  

Students, faculty and researchers applying for funding could receive $40,000 for one year for prototype development, testing and/or proof-of-concept studies. As part of the award, fellowship recipients are paired with a von Liebig Center Technology and Business Advisor, and will be given access to MBA students from the Rady School or SDSU to support market research and business model creation, valued at an additional $15,0000.

The process for application is easy. A short Statement of Intent must be submitted no later than February 4, 2013.

Technologies sought in the field of clean energy include, but are not limited to:

The von Liebig Center announced the latest grant solicitation in collaboration with the Rady School of Management at UC San Diego and San Diego State University.
The von Liebig Center will be holding a webinar at 5pm Pacific time on January 24, with an overview of the program, including a step-by-step process on how to submit a Statement of Intent. Please register here for the webinar

If selected based on the Statement of Intent, a faculty, student or staff researcher will be asked to prepare a short proposal and start working with an assigned mentor to present to a panel of expert judges who will make the final selection in late March 2013.

According to the Southern California Clean Energy Technology Acceleration Program website, "Universities and research laboratories are principal engines for innovation -- a critical component of economic growth. However, the process for translation of research discoveries to the private sector is highly inefficient. Converting research to a product or process typically requires market-ready technology, a business model, proof of market need, and a business-oriented management team. None of these elements exist when a discovery is made in the research laboratory."

UC San Diego and SDSU partnered to address such deficiencies in the renewable energy space in the greater San Diego region, accelerating the movement of clean energy innovation from the university laboratory into the marketplace.

In order to accomplish this, the program's approach focuses on:

The ultimate goal, noted the von Liebig Center on the program's website, "is not only the acceleration of innovation energy discoveries into the private sector, but also the creation of an atmosphere in which commercialization is viewed as an economically and socially desirable outcome of research, and in which the participants-researchers, universities, and the investment community understand the unique requirements for success in transitioning university research."

More information about the program and instructions to submit an application can be found here.

Related Links

Southern California Clean Energy Technology Acceleration Program

Media Contacts

Doug Ramsey, 858-822-5825,