
UC San Diego Publishes March 2013 Issue of CyberLink

San Diego, March 18, 2013  -- UC San Diego CyberLink is a monthly digest of news and events related to cyberinfrastructure, and today it published the March 2013 issue of the e-zine.

CyberLink is produced by the UCSD Division of Calit2, the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), the Jacobs School of Engineering, UC San Diego Libraries, Administrative Computing & Telecommunications (ACT), and the Center for Research in Biological Structures (CRBS). For those interested in learning about cyberinfrastructure services on campus, please visit the RCI website.

March 2013

 New Circuit Designs for Wireless Sensors
Experimental circuits could increase the speed and decrease the energy required to wirelessly transfer EEG and ECG data from body sensors to receivers. Get the details on these circuits, which are from the laboratory of UC San Diego Bioengineering Professor Gert Cauwenberghs. These gold squares also serve as the art for Research Expo 2013.

Researchers Improve Efficiency of Cloud Computing Infrastructure by up to 20 Percent
Computer scientists at UC San Diego and Google have developed a novel approach that allows the massive infrastructure powering cloud computing to run as much as 15 to 20 percent more efficiently. This novel model has already been applied at Google. Professor Jason Mars will present related work at a faculty talk at UC San Diego at Research Expo on March 18.

100G Workshop at Calit2 Explores Next Steps for Ultra-Fast Optical Networks and Applications
The 100G and Beyond Workshop, sponsored by Calit2, the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), and the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC), was held in Calit2’s Atkinson Hall at UC San Diego on February 26 to examine 100-Gigabit networking and the ways in which it will impact areas as diverse as data-intensive science, health care, media arts applications, smart manufacturing, and more.

New UCSD Library App That Finds Available Computers Gets Big Thumbs Up
A new mobile app launched by the UC San Diego Library during fall quarter has proven to be a hit with campus smart phone users, especially those who are on the prowl for an open computer in the Library or another study space on campus. The PC Availability app, developed jointly by the Library and Academic Computing & Media Services (ACMS), is accessible at

SDSC Coordinates Effort to Establish the BigData Top100 List
SDSC has announced plans for a community-based effort to create the BigData Top100 List, the first global ranking of its kind for systems designed for ‘big data’ applications that are becoming more pervasive throughout the high-performance computing and storage communities.

UC San Diego's Massimo Franceschetti Wins Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize
Massimo Franceschetti, an associate professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC San Diego, has been awarded the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize.

XSEDE13 Conference Includes July 24 Panel on Bioscience and Computation
A panel of experts will discuss the role of computation and data analytics in supporting biological discovery when XSEDE13, the annual conference hosted by the National Science Foundation's eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, is held July 22-25 in San Diego. One day of the conference (July 24) will be devoted to work in the biosciences. In addition to the panel discussion, there will be plenary talks, paper presentations, lightning talks, posters, and a gallery of scientific visualizations.

Learn the Latest About Mobile My Time Entry (MTE)
Since the launch of MyTimeEntry in 2012, UC San Diego’s electronic time and attendance tool has been gaining in popularity. Now, over 6,000 UCSD employees electronically submit time and it is expected that with the introduction of our new mobile edition available for tablet or smartphone users, that adoption will continue to grow. To use MTE mobile, please click on the link above on your mobile device and then select "Blink Tools". Or, enter on your mobile device and you will be directed to the new mobile Web application.

SDSC Announces 2013 Internship Opportunities for High School Students
SDSC has announced this year’s volunteer internship program for high school students, who will be paired with SDSC researchers during the summer to help them gain experience in particular areas of computational research. The Research Experience for High School Students (REHS) will be held June 24 through August 9 at SDSC.

Polling San Diegans About Cell Phones and Driver Safety
Researchers at the UC San Diego have launched a new survey aimed at gauging local motorists’ opinions and activities associated with cell phone usage and driving. It’s part of the Training, Research, and Education for Driving Safety (TREDS) program that has been working to keep Southern California highways – and the drivers navigating them – safe since 2005.

UCSD Computer Scientist Among Young Faculty Recipients of Sloan Research Fellowships
An expert in bioinformatics and computational mass spectrometry at the UC San Diego is among the 2013 crop of young faculty members identified by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation as “rising stars, the next generation of scientific leaders.”


...for these upcoming cyberinfrastructure-connected events and training sessions. All events will be held at UC San Diego (except where noted otherwise).

1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, SDSC
PACE Tech Talks
Please join us for a new series of talks presented on the first and third Wednesdays of each month by SDSC’s Predictive Analytics Center of Excellence (PACE). These talks help fulfill PACE’s mission to educate in the area of predictive analytics, and feature a wide variety of experts in the areas of data information, access, and mining techniques, and more. Information on upcoming PACE Tech Talks can be found on PACE’s home page.

March 19, 12noon – 1:30 pm, Janssen Labs, 3120 Merryfield Row, San Diego, CA 92121
Connect Luncheon Event: Personalized Therapy and Transformative Patient Care
Advances in genomics, proteomics, and data analytics make it possible to screen and personalize patient treatment for optimal outcomes in cancer care. This luncheon event, part of Connect’s Frontiers in Science & Technology lecture series, features Dr. Razelle Kurzrock, known for creating one of the world's largest Phase 1 clinical trials while with MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Kurzrock is now focused on developing the state-of-the-art Center for Personalized Cancer Therapy at the UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center. Click on the link to register for this event or contact Nia Gipson at or (858) 964-1324.

March 25
Tutorial submissions due for SC13
Tutorial submissions are due March 25 for SC13, the international conference for high-performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis be held November 17-22 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, CO. Please click on the link above to submit a tutorial, or visit for more information on SC13.

March 25, 11am, SDSC Central, Conference Room 408
UCSD Complex Network Seminar - Different Angles on Network Complexity, Engineering, and Science (DANCES)
Please join us for a series of new workshops hosted by the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) based at SDSC. The March 25 event is a talk by Mason Porter, of the Mathematical Institute at Oxford University, who will discuss "simple" dynamical systems on networks and examine how network structure affects dynamics of processes running on top of networks.

March 27, 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Master’s Degrees for Working Engineers: Open House
Learn about the Jacobs School of Engineering’s suite of master’s degree programs designed for working engineers. Three programs are accepting applications for Fall 2013: Architecture-based Enterprise Systems Engineering, Medical Device Engineering, and Wireless Embedded Systems.

April 5, all day
Plenary Talks & Poster Session: 9am – 5 pm, near the UCSD Canyon View Pool
Public Lecture: 5:30 – 7 pm, UCSD Warren Hall Lecture Auditorium, Room 2001
Probability and Statistics Day
UC San Diego will host a full day of talks by prominent researchers in the related fields of probability and statistics. The plenary talks and poster session will be followed by a public lecture by Terry Speed, head of the Bioinformatics Division of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI) in Melbourne, Australia and Professor (Emeritus) of Statistics at the UC Berkeley. All probability/statistics researchers are welcome to attend the plenary talks and poster session; the public lecture is open to all. Both events are free but require a quick registration via this online form.

April 18, 2 – 6pm, Price Center Ballrooms, UC San Diego
Research Expo: Connect with Jacobs School Research and Talent
Get the latest at the Research Expo, where breakthroughs and big ideas from the Jacobs School are pushing cyberinfrastructure and many other information technology areas forward. Search the 200+ graduate student projects by industry application area here. Register today - UC San Diego personnel can attend for free; half-price admission for UC San Diego alumni.

April 22 – 26, 2013, 8:30am – 5:00pm, SDSC Synthesis Center
Python for Scientists and Engineers
This multi-day class is intended for scientists or engineers interested in using ENTHOUGHT’s Python, a comprehensive set of tools to perform rigorous data analysis and visualization for their day-to-day computational tasks. Click on the link for detailed information about the entire course, its intended audience, and registration details.

May 2 – 3, 9am – 5pm, SDSC
PACE Data Mining Boot Camp 1
The two-day Data Mining Boot Camp by SDSC’s Predictive Analytics Center of Excellence (PACE) will provide participants with basic training to learn effective predictive analytic strategies associated with the growing discipline of data mining, a process that uses a variety of data analysis tools to discover patterns and relationships in data that may contribute to valid predictions.

June 17 – August 23, SDSC
SDSC Middle School and High School 2013 Summer Science and Technology Workshops
These multi-day workshop offerings include animation creation, app development, 3D printing, game development, and more. They are open to students in middle and high school, but please see each individual workshop description, as some are specific to high school students only. Registration will remain open until classes are full. Please click on the link for more details.

June 24 – August 9, various UC San Diego campus locations
UC San Diego Career Experiences for High School Students 2013
UC San Diego departments are once offering volunteer high school internship opportunities for Summer 2013. Internship opportunities are listed at the link above. Please submit a separate application for each opportunity that may be of interest. Students may apply for up to two opportunities. All applications must be submitted via U.S. mail no later than March 30, 2013. For questions or additional information, please contact Ange Mason at 858 534-5064 or

July 22 – 25, Marriott Marquis & Marina Hotel, San Diego
XSEDE13 Conference
Hundreds of researchers, technology experts, educators, and students from around the globe will gather in San Diego for XSEDE13, the National Science Foundation’s Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment program. This year's conference features tutorials, keynotes, student presentations, a visualization showcase, and an extensive job fair. July 24 will be dedicated as Biosciences Day.

August 5 – 9, SDSC
Save the Date: SDSC’s ‘Discover Big Data’ Summer Institute
SDSC’s ‘Discover Big Data’ Summer Institute will focus on ‘big data’ analytics, helping attendees explore their data using a wide variety of predictive data analytics tools. This week-long summer institute combines presentations and hands-on experience, introducing participants to the latest approaches and tools to extract meaning and new insights from very large data sets. Participants will use SDSC’s data-intensive Gordon supercomputer plus other SDSC computational resources. More information to be posted in the coming months.

August 15 – 16, University of Colorado, Boulder
Deadline for submissions: May 15
Extreme Scaling Workshop 2013 – Heterogeneous Computing
Hosted by Blue Waters and XSEDE
The NSF-funded Blue Waters compute system and eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) projects are hosting the seventh in a series of Extreme Scaling workshops. This workshop will address large-scale heterogeneous computing through a series of talks and discussions that share experiences and successes using many of the new types of GPUs and core processors. The workshop’s goal is to inform research and education communities about how to effectively use large numbers of accelerated nodes. 

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