
Showcase Helps Teachers Identify Technology Needs

Calit² hosted 40 district secondary school teachers on June 7, 2001. The event, held at UCSD, featured hands-on demonstrations of a wide variety of software around campus, including 3-D multimedia, instructional web development, classroom outreach technology, and technology in the classroom.

The Teacher Technology Showcase was sponsored by Calit² and the Classroom of the Future Foundation (CFF). The event was designed to demonstrate innovative technology that could be useful in the K-12 educational setting. The event also provided an opportunity for brainstorming and collaboration regarding the needs of K-12 teachers.

A second event, the Education Technology Options Conference, was sponsored and led by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) and CFF. It covered a range of topics, including PCs and the Internet, PDAs as educational tools, barriers to effective technology implementation and using data to improve student performance. This event helped foster the creative process for teachers as they develop ideas about implementing the technology demonstrated during the two events in their classrooms. Discussions on how existing technology might be better adapted to classroom needs and educational objectives were also initiated.

Post Showcase Synopses
Contact List(pdf file - html version coming soon)

Three-Dimensional Geometry Made Fun!
Mike Bailey, SDSC
Keith Pezzoli, Urban Studies and Planning
Richard Marciano, SDSC
Education Technology Today and Tomorrow
Pat Neill-Learning Platform Group
Christine Bagwell-IWDC/ACS
Classroom Outreach Technology Presentation
Loren Thompson-Student Educational Advancement Center
Luciano Corazza-UCSD Extension

Technology in the Classroom
Bill Griswold-CSE
David Hutches-CSE, Jacobs School of Engineering

Event Announcement & Agenda

Showcase Classroom

Showcase Classroom

Showcase Classroom