
IDEAS to Fall For

The fall season of the Qualcomm Institute’s primary performance series will kick off October 9.

Drummers, dancers and explorers of the mind will transform UC San Diego’s Atkinson Hall theater beginning October 9 when the fall season of the Qualcomm Institute’s Initiative for Digital Exploration of Arts and Sciences (IDEAS) series begins.

Performers will showcase new works that combine percussion, electronic music and video and animation, explore the relationship between the mind and a body’s environment, and show how time unfolds through the movements of a dancer in works created by current and former UC San Diego students for IDEAS.

“In these fall performances, our artists will display a unique blend of subjects and mediums and push the boundaries of art and science. There is no better space for that to happen than the Qualcomm Institute, which is uniquely designed to encourage the exploration of how art, science and technology can merge, and be expanded,” said Department of Music professor Shahrokh Yadegari, who directs the program.

Upcoming IDEAS performances are:

New Works for Percussion , October 9

New Works for Percussion, with David Bithell, Aiyun Huang and Terry Longshore 
Wednesday, October 9
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Atkinson Hall Theater/Vroom
New Works for Percussion showcases recent transdisciplinary works for percussion, live electronic music, interactive video and animation. It’s a technologically-driven meditation on storytelling and the power of myth. Read more about the performance and the artists here.


An Ecology of Mind, October 30

An Ecology of Mind, with Alexandra Neuman
Wednesday, October 30
5 p.m.— 7 p.m.
Atkinson Hall Theater/ Vroom
An Ecology of Mind is a video installation documenting the experiences of 32 people as they sit enveloped in the surface of the earth with only their heads aboveground. Read more about the performance and artist here



Time Unfolded , December 5

Time Unfolded, with Johannes Regnier, Verónica Santiago Moniello and Nakul Tiruviluamala
Thursday, December 5
5 p.m.— 7 p.m.
Atkinson Hall Theater/Vroom
Time Unfolded is an interdisciplinary and immersive multimedia work, combining high-resolution video, dance and live electronics, that explores the movements of a dancer. Read more about the performance and artists here.


IDEAS was launched in 2013 to encourage UC San Diego artists, technologists, and scientists to take advantage of the Qualcomm Institute's advanced audio-visual facilities and services in developing and staging new or existing works that engage a variety of disciplines.

For more information about the IDEAS performance series at the Qualcomm Institute, visit

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Media Contacts

Katie E. Ismael
(858) 246-5898