
Calit2 Showcases Grid Projects at GlobusWORLD 2004

Larry Smarr
Smarr giving keynote "From Grid to LambdaGrid"

1.20.04 -- Calit² Director Larry Smarr will give one of the GlobusWORLD 2004 keynotes on Tuesday at 3:30 PM at the Westin St. Francis, San Francisco. The title of his presentation will be "From Grid to Lambda Grid" in which he'll describe the OptIPuter, an environment designed to support data-intensive science enabled by intelligent light paths.

With respect to the Grid, Smarr is also a contributing author to the new book The Grid 2: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure, edited by Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago, and Carl Kesselman, Information Sciences Institute, USC. Foster and Kesselman are the developers of the Globus Toolkit, the subject of GlobusWORLD 2004.

Calit² will also have a research exhibit at GlobusWORLD 2004 - #309 - in the exhibition area Tuesday and Wednesday all day both days. The exhibit will describe the mission and short history of Calit², the partnerships on which it's based, and some key research projects underway.

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