
3rd Annual "ON*VECTOR" Photonics Workshop

3rd Annual "ON*VECTOR" Photonics Workshop
Sponsored by NTT Network Innovation Laboratories and hosted by Calit² and the OptIPuter project.

3.02.04 - Calit² and the OptIPuter project at UCSD hosted the 3rd Annual "ON*VECTOR" Photonics Workshop March 1-3, 2004. This invitation-only meeting was sponsored by the NTT Network Innovation Laboratories in Japan. ON*VECTOR (Optical Networked Virtual Environments for Collaborative Trans-Oceanic Research) is a joint project of NTT Network Innovation Laboratories, the University of Tokyo, and the University of Illinois at Chicago's Electronic Visualization Laboratory (UIC/EVL), and is managed by Pacific Interface Inc. (PII).

The agenda, packed full with presentations every 25 minutes or so, punctuated by periodic panel discussions, covered a wide range of topics: photonics grand challenges; the OptIPuter project; photonics middleware; government policies regarding photonic networks for research and education; networked digital media, security and IPR; and photonics-network applications.

Some 60 people attended the meeting from across the U.S., Canada, Japan, and Europe, including eastern Europe,. They represented networks and related organizations, such as CANARIE, CENIC, National LambdaRail, NetherLight, CESNET/CzechLight, and the Japanese Gigabit Network. Several academic and government institutions were also represented, including the University of Tokyo, Osaka University, UCSD, UC Irvine, UIC, Nothwestern University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, the University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute, and the University of Amsterdam.

The meeting was organized by Larry Smarr, Calit²; Tomonori Aoyama, University of Tokyo;