
Calit2 Welcomes 4th Group of Summer Undergrad Research Scholars

Angela Chen
Calit² Undergrad Researcher Angela Chen

6.25.04 -- The orientation meeting for students in the Calit² Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship program was a big hit with the 13 students who attended the orientation meeting. They came with anticipation and excitement.

Larry Smarr, director of Calit², introduced the institute. He acknowledged that, with motivation and passion, the students could accomplish more than they might imagine. According to Smarr, undergraduate programs typically don't the opportunity for hands-on research. So, thanks to Calit², these students are able to engage in research with advisors and on topics of their own choosing.

Smarr also noted that being able to communicate about one's research is more important than anything. "Communication is an art form," stated Smarr who's made communication an important and powerful aspect of his own career.

Andrew Collins
Calit² Undergrad Researcher Andrew Collins

Once Smarr finished introducing the program, Ramesh Rao, the UCSD division director of Calit² , addressed the group. Rao said he wanted the undergrad program to have an impact on the students, hoping it will mark the beginning of research careers that otherwise might not have been considered.

Then the students got to do the talking. Each student introduced him- or herself and research topic. While the students were focused on different issues, their areas of interest all relate to the layers of research for which Calit² is becoming known. These short self introductions made it clear right away to all that the communication skills that Smarr emphasized are indeed important: They will have to be able to explain their projects to people who may not understand the importance or technical details of their topics.

Overall, the orientation meeting helped the undergraduates see that, through this program, they will gain experience conducting research, have clearer ideas of what they want to do after graduation, obtain useful connections, and maybe make a few friends a long the way.

- Submitted by Valerie Tukey, Calit2 communications intern

List of all Calit² Undergrad Research Scholars.