
UCSD Undergrad Fellowship Program Announced

1.30.04 -- The UCSD Division of Calit² announces plans to offer its fourth Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship program during the summer of 2004. The purpose of this program is to provide talented undergraduates with concrete research experience to help them better define their career goals. The program is fashioned on the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program funded by the National Science Foundation. We expect to offer approximately 20 fellowships at $4,000 each for 10 weeks of full-time research.

Eligible students are undergraduates in degree programs at UCSD, including students graduating the spring of 2004. The deadline for submitting applications through this Web site is Friday, February 27 at 2:00 pm.

Applicants should do the following:

• Review Calit²'s Web site for more information about the institute.

• Identify a faculty advisor that agrees to provide supervision (that is, the student should make arrangements with the faculty member prior to applying). (Scholarship funding will flow through the advisor’s lab.)

• Outline a proposed research project in the application form. Please make sure that the research topic is relevant to Calit²’s mission. It should relate to telecommunications and/or information technology and, ideally, be interdisciplinary in nature.

• Request a letter of recommendation f rom your faculty advisor to be sent to Stephanie Sides, or mail code 0436, no later than Monday, March 1, 2004.

The awardees will be selected by a team consisting of UCSD Division Director Ramesh Rao and the Calit² layer leaders. Selections are likely to be made and announced by the end of March.

Student scholars, in addition to conducting their research projects, participate in several meetings during the summer to learn about the institute, develop communication and leadership skills, and get to know each other. Some former undergraduate scholars have indicated that the scholarships were important assets to their graduate school applications.

To apply, please continue to the application.

For program dates, please view the schedule.

Related Links

2003 Ugrad Fellows
2002 Ugrad Fellows
2001 Ugrad Fellows