
Fourteen UCI Undergraduates Named 2005 SURF-IT Research Fellows

06.15.05 – The Irvine division has announced the selection of 14 undergraduate students as its first SURF-IT research fellows. Calit2 ’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Information Technology will provide UCI students with a unique 10-week opportunity to work with faculty mentors in IT-related research and applications.

New SURF-IT students

The students, who were chosen from a pool of nearly 40 applicants, represent a broad cross-section of majors, including biomedical, electrical, mechanical and material science engineering; chemistry; Earth system science; studio art; information and computer science; biological science; philosophy; and criminology, law and society.

They will gain first-hand experience and training in state-of-the-art facilities and techniques, working on research projects ranging from fingerprint data collection and analysis to cell migration in micro-fluidic devices. A series of seminars will be held throughout the summer to give students the opportunity to increase their knowledge and enhance dialogue about telecommunication and information technology systems and applications. At the conclusion of the program, students will share their research accomplishments by presenting their findings at the SURF-IT Poster Session and Closing Reception. 

The students, faculty mentors and research projects are:

Robert Carpenter and Simon Cole (assistant professor of criminology, law & society), fingerprint data collection and analysis; Fatima Alim and Philip Collins (assistant professor of physics & astronomy), nanoelectronic circuits for chemical and bio-sensors; Vahe Gabuchian and Zhibin Guan (professor of chemistry), biomemetic modular design for advanced biomaterials; Pooya Monajemi and Hamid Jafarkhani (associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science), implementation of Jakes Channel simulator for multiple-input-multiple-output wireless systems; Bobak Mosadegh and Noo Li Jeon (assistant professor of biomedical engineering), cell migration in microfluidic devices; Madelyn Luttgen and Noo Li Jeon , axon guidance using microfluidic devices; Dirk Groeneveld and Falko Kuester (assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science), design and implementation of an identification layer for an interactive digital workspace; Daniel Repasky and Falko Kuester , virtual Calit2 ; Lei Huang and Jia Grace Lu (assistant professor of chemical engineering and materials science), semiconducting nanowires as nanoelectronic building blocks; Alan Paradiso and Marc Madou (professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering), dielectrophoretic separation systems; Kelvin Cheung and Marc Madou, IrOx-derived biosensors; Cathryn O’Neill and Kristen Monroe (professor of political science), the relationship between computer games and empathetic involvement that fosters moral treatment; Uel McMahan and Bill Tomlinson (assistant professor of informatics and drama), the EcoRaft project; and Michael Brown and Charles Zender (assistant professor of Earth system science), distributed data-reduction techniques applied to California climate change simulations.

SURF-IT Research Coordinator Stu Ross
meets students at orientation.

The 10-week program begins on June 27. All students will be required to attend an orientation session at noon on June 28 in room 3008 of the Calit2 Building, and lunchtime seminars will be held approximately every other week for the duration of the summer.

More information about the SURF-IT research projects can be found at:

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