
Calit2 UCSD Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarships

Calit2 2006 Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program at UCSD

10-week summer scholarship open to all academic disciplines.

Application deadline: February 27

A letter of recommendation from your faculty advisor is required. Please have your adviosr send the letter to “Undergraduate Research Program” at MC 0436 or email to:

Online application

For more information:

Be a Calit2 paid undergraduate student researcher this summer!

San Diego, CA, January 13, 2006 -- The application deadline for Calit2's Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarships at UCSD is Monday, February 27, 2006. An information session is scheduled for February 15, at 2:00 PM on the 5th floor of Atkinson Hall (the new Calit2 UCSD building). Potential applicants are encouraged to attend the session if they have questions about the research program or the application process.

The scholarship is an opportunity for undergraduates to do real research work over the summer and make a contribution. “The creative work and accomplishments of student researchers are critical to sustaining the innovation for which we are known,” says Ramesh Rao, Calit2 UCSD Division Director.

The program is open to UCSD undergraduates in all academic disciplines. They must be registered in Spring 2006, or be incoming Fall 2006 undergraduates. Students choose and work with a faculty advisor to develop a research proposal as part of the application process for the 10-week summer program. Multiple scholarships are awarded. The selection committee, made up of members of the Calit2 UCSD Division Council, expects to have decisions by the end of March.

Students from all academic majors are encouraged to apply. Research proposals must fit with the mission of Calit2, which means that they should be directed in some manner towards research regarding telecommunications and information technology, as well as how new advances will transform a range of applications important to the economy and citizens' quality of life. Examples of previous projects are available on Calit2 UCSD's Student Spectrum website.

Scholarship awardees will work closely with their faculty advisor as paid, full-time student researchers during the summer of 2006. The scholarship pays the student $4000 over the 10-week period. During this time they will also attend a series of seminars provided by Calit2 regarding research-related career goals. These lunch time sessions are mandatory and cover a variety of topics important to research in all disciplines. A poster session highlighting each students’ work is held at the end of the summer.

2005 UG poster session
A poster session highlighting each students’ work is held at the end of the summer. Over the 10-week program, a series of seminars regarding research-related career goals will  be provided by Calit2.  

"The best thing about the program was the opportunity to work on a research project full time, without the distractions of another job, or classes," says Marika Cabral, a 2005 scholarship awardee and Math and Economics double major. Marika's project focused on the integration of the Internet in society, where the Internet gives consumers the convenience of price comparison. She examined the airline industry and analyzed what effect the expansion of the Internet has had upon price levels and price dispersion of airline tickets.

by Maureen C. Curran
<mcurran |at|>  
Photo by Barbara Haynor

Related Links

Online Application
Summer Scholars 2005
Calit2 Student Spectrum

Media Contacts

For additional information on the program: there is a link to the program's webpage on the Calit2 home page, or email In addition, there is an information session on February 15 (details above).