
UC Regents Visit Calit2 at UCSD

1.19.2006 -- The regents of the University of California and related committees held their monthly meeting at UCSD January 17-19, 2006. That visit included a reception at Calit2 the evening of the second day and a presentation by Calit2 director Larry Smarr after the dinner that followed.

Chancellor and Smarrs
Chemistry professor James Whitesell with Larry and Janet Smarr; Janet is a professor in
the Department of
 Theater and Dance.

The agenda was extremely busy, often allocated into 5-minute increments for presentation and discussion on various issues: grounds and buildings, auditing, regents' procedures, finance, oversight of the DOE laboratories, compensation, health services, and educational policy. Many of the sessions were open for public comment. These are now available for viewing via Windows Media and Real Player at the UCOP Website.

The regents govern the University of California. According to the regents' Website, under Article IX, Section 9 of the California Constitution, they have "'full powers of organization and governance' subject only to very specific areas of legislative control. The article states that 'the university shall be entirely independent of all political and sectarian influence and kept free therefrom in the appointment of its regents and in the administration of its affairs.'"

Preuss and Dynes
Regents Lee and Ruiz
At left, regent Peter Preuss with UC president Bob Dynes (back to camera).
At right, regents David Lee and Frederick Ruiz.