
SURF-IT Undergraduate Research Program Seeks Project Proposals

01.26.06 – Surf’s up again this summer at Calit2@UC Irvine. SURF-IT ─ the Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Information Technology ─ which pairs undergraduate student researchers from UCI with faculty across a range of disciplines, is seeking interested faculty members to mentor students for 10 weeks this summer. The students work closely with their faculty mentors on research projects in a wide range of areas, from humanities, social sciences and medicine, to biological science, engineering and computer science. Calit2 offers students a $4,000 stipend for their research; the institute administers the program jointly with the UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program.


SURF-IT, which was a success with students and faculty alike in its debut last summer, is designed to help students gain first-hand experience and training in state-of-the-art facilities and techniques. By working closely with faculty mentors, they develop knowledge and skills that can propel them into graduate studies or careers in telecommunications and information technology. Among the 14 research projects conducted last summer were investigations into nanoelectronic circuits, distributed data-reduction techniques, and the relationship between computer games and the fostering of morality.

Interested faculty should submit project proposals to Stuart Ross,, by Monday, Feb. 13. Each proposal should include a project title, description, list of student research-related duties and expected outcomes, student eligibility requirements and recommended readings and publications.

Preliminary faculty projects will be chosen by Feb. 21 and student applications are due in late March; selected students and final project selections will be announced in mid-April (dates to be determined).

For specific information about project proposals and timelines, please click on PDF link beneath article. For general information about the SURF-IT program, go to:

PDF: SURF-IT letter to faculty.pdf