
Big Broadband Conference at Calit2 Now Available in Streaming Video

San Diego, CA, April 18, 2006 -- The optical networking advocacy group FirstMile.US held its Spring 2006 conference in Atkinson Hall March 22-23. Keynote speakers included Calit2 director and CSE professor Larry Smarr, National LambdaRail president Tom West, and San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom, who received an award for his support of "big broadband" connectivity in the Bay Area. (For more on the mayor's visit, click here .)

The conference was webcast in real time by Calit2, and most of the presentations are now available for on-demand viewing below.  [Real  player and broadband connection required]. Most of the PowerPoint slides are also available in PDF format as indicated.

Newsom Keynote: Big Broadband for San Francisco and California
Gavin Newsom, Mayor, City and County of San Francisco
Length: 28:51 [video]
A Gigabit in Every Home--Emergence of True Broadband
Larry Smarr, Director, Calit2 
Length: 53:49 [video] [ppt]
St. Arnaud
CANARIE: The Challenges of the First Mile 
Bill St. Arnaud, Director, CANARIE (Canada)
Length: 17:41 [video] [PDF]
Developing British Columbia's Advanced Networks
Michael Hrybyk, President and CEO, BCNET
Length: 40:59 [video] [PDF]
Owning and Controlling the Network Infrastructure
Tom West, CEO, National LambdaRail
Length: 21:33   [video] [PDF]
Medical 1
Medical Demonstrations: Part One
Ed Johansen et. al.
Length: 32:04 [video] [PDF]
Parvati Dev
Medical Demonstrations: Part Two 
Parvati Dev, Stanford et. al.
Length: 48:33  [video]
Roundtable Discussion of the Americas: Distance Learning
Carmen Carpio, World Bank (moderator)
Length: 22:48  [video]
The First Mile Philosophy
Susan Estrada, President, FirstMile.US
Length: 33:15 [video]
Joaquin Alvarado
Broadband and Babyboomers
Joaquin Alvarado and Gail Whitaker, SFSU
Christopher Baker, AARP Public Policy Institute (at left) [PDF]
Length: 52:27 [video]
Panel Discussion
Susan Estrada, Michael Hrybyk, Steve Corbato, and Tom West
Length: 10:33 [video]
Laurin Herr
CineGrid Demonstration
Laurin Herr, President, Pacific Interface and Director, CineGrid
Length: 1:15:47   [video] [PDF]
David Cavena
High-Definition Audio-Video Network Alliance
David Cavena, Sun Microsystems
Length: 33:58 [video] [PDF]
Open Mic
Open Mike Time and Three-Minute Madness
Length: 42:53   [video ]
Tim Ryan, City College of San Francisco [PDF]
Julio Ibarra, Florida International University [PDF]
Yvonne Andres, Global School Net  [PDF]
Don Means, Community TeleStructure, Digital Village  [PDF]
Michael Shames, UCAN  [URL]
Dewayne Hendricks, Sandoval County Broadband Project  [URL

Related Links

San Francisco Mayor Receives Broadband Honor at Calit2