
Streaming Video of Network Coding Course by MIT and UIUC Experts Now Available on Demand

San Diego, CA, August 5, 2006  -- This week the Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Center at Calit2 hosted a short course -- four sessions in one day -- taught by two of the leading experts on 'network coding'. MIT professor Muriel Médard and Ralf Koetter of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) are among the earliest and most prolific contributors in this emerging field.

The advent of network coding promises to change many aspects of networking. Network coding moves away from the classical approach of networking, which treats networks as akin to physical transportation systems. Médard and Koetter provided an overview of some of the main features of network coding that are most relevant to wireless networks, notably that the coded network lends itself, for multicast connections, to a cost optimization which not only outperforms traditional routing tree-based approaches, but also lends itself to a distributed implementation and to a dynamic implementation when changing conditions (such as mobility) arise. 

Three of the short course's four sessions are now archived and available for on-demand viewing. [Part One was not recorded because of technical difficulties.] To view the streaming videos, click on the image or video link [Real player and broadband connection required].

Koetter 3
Network Coding I
August 1, 2006  Part One
Muriel Médard, MIT 
[pdf ]
Network Coding II
August 1, 2006  Part Two
Ralf Koetter, UIUC and Muriel Médard, MIT
Length: 1:18:17[video]
Network Coding III
August 1, 2006 Part Three
Muriel Médard, MIT
Length: 1:05:24 [video]
Koetter 4
Network Coding IV
August 1, 2006  Part Four
Muriel Médard and Ralf Koetter
Length: 1:58:31 [video]

Muriel Médard is a Harold E. and Esther Edgerton Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT and the Associate Director of the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. Her research interests are in the areas of network coding and reliable communications, particularly for optical and wireless networks.

Ralf Koetter joined the faculty of UIUC in 1999, where he is an Associate Professor with the Coordinated Science Laboratory. His research interests include coding and information theory and their application to communication systems. In 2004, Koetter and UCSD professor Alexander Vardy received the IEEE Information Theory Society's Best Paper award of the past two years for their work on "Algebraic Soft-Decision Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes," published in 2003.