
Summer Institute on Cyberinfrastructure and Multiscale Modeling Kicks Off at Calit2 in San Diego

San Diego, CA, August 8, 2006  -- The National Biomedical Computation Resource (NBCR) launched its first annual Summer Institute yesterday to provide an overview of cyberinfrastructure and multiscale modeling approaches. "It's about collaboration," said NBCR director Peter Arzberger, who is also director of Life Science Initiatives at UCSD and an active participant in Calit2. "We really hope some of these tools and training sessions will lead to new areas where we might begin new collaborations with people to use the tools and move forward."

Arzberger opened the plenary sessions in Atkinson Hall, and the roster of speakers included a number of researchers involved in Calit2-led projects, including CAMERA (its marine microbial genomics intiative) and the OptIPuter.  Subsequent training sessions were held in computer labs dotted around the engineering courtyard, in Calit2, Bioengineering, and the Computer Science and Engineering building. The plenary talks are now available for on-demand viewing over the Internet. To watch a particular presentation, click on the image or video link below [Real  player and broadband connection required].

Mark Ellisman
Cyberinfrastructure and Multiscale Modeling
Mark Ellisman, Director, Center for Research on Biological Systems; Prof, Neuroscience and Bioengineering
University of California, San Diego
Length: 42:26 [video]
Philip Papadopoulos
Anatomy of the BIRN: The Biomedical Informatics Research Network
Philip Papadopoulos, co-PI, OptIPuter
San Diego Supercomputer Center
Length: 42:44 [video]
Paul Gilna
Community Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Marine Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis 
Paul Gilna, Executive Director, CAMERA
Calit2 and University of California, San Diego
Length: 34:09 [video]
Frank Wuerthwein
Open Science Grid
Frank Wuerthwein, Fermilab and Professor, Physics
University of California, San Diego
Length: 44:23 [video]
Integrative Approach to Biomedical Science
Andrew McCulloch, Professor, Bioengineering
UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering
Length: 40:57 [video]
Andrew McCammon
Continuum Models for Electrostatics and Diffusion
J. Andrew McCammon, Professor, Chemistry and Biochem
University of California, San Diego
Length: 39:25 [video]
Chandrajit Bajaj
Static and Time Dependent Meshing for Multiscale Modeling
Chandrajit Bajaj, Professor, University of Texas
Length:  46:43  [video]
Michel Sanner
Molecular Visualization
Michel Sanner
The Scripps Research Institute
Length: 37:13 [video]
John Wooley
Closing Remarks
John Wooley, Associate Vice Chancellor, Research
University of California, San Diego
Length: 12:46 [video]

NBCR is a resource for the biomedical community. Its mission is to conduct, catalyze, and enable biomedical research by harnessing, developing, and deploying forefront computational, information and grid technologies. The organization consists of researchers from UCSD, The Scripps Research Institute and Washington University of St. Louis. Funding for NBCR comes from NIH's National Center For Research Resources (NCRR).

Related Links

NCBR Summer Institute 2006
National Biomedical Computation Resource