
Streaming Video from Algorithmic Biology 2006 Conference Now Available

San Diego, CA, December 6, 2006 -- Calit2's Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology (CASB) at UCSD was formally inaugurated Nov. 30 at the first conference to be held under the center's auspices. CASB director Pavel Pevzner and co-director Steven Briggs were on hand for Algorithmic Biology 2006, which featured a slate of invited speakers that attracted more than 120 registered attendees, many of whom stayed on to attend two other conferences at Calit2 Oct. 1-3 on systems biology and computational proteomics.

Most of the proceedings of Algorithmic Biology are now archived and available for on-demand viewing. To view the streaming videos, click on the image or video link below [Real player and broadband connection required].

Pavel Pevzner
Opening Remarks
Pavel Pevzner, Director
Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology (CASB)
Length: 3:58 [video]
Manolis Kellis
Interpreting the Human Genome
Manolis Kellis, MIT
Length: 49:10 [video]
Ron Shamir
Some Computational Challenges in Today's Bio-Medicine
Ron Shamir, Tel Aviv University
Length: 47:27 [video]
David Haussler Reconstructing 100 Million Years of Human Evolutionary History
David Haussler, UC Santa Cruz
Length: 37:31  [video]
CASB Panel Bioinformatics Panel Discussion
Phil Bourne, UCSD (Moderator); l-r: Shankar Subramaniam, UCSD; Ron Shamir (TAU); David Haussler (UC Santa Cruz); Manolis Kellis (MIT); Serafim Batzoglou (Stanford). 
Length: 16:58  [video]
Ramesh Rao Inaugurates CASB CASB Inauguration
Pavel Pevzner, UC San Diego and Director, CASB; Ramesh Rao (pictured), Director, Calit2 at UCSD; Jacobs School of Engineering Dean Frieder Seible; Suresh Subramani, Dean, Division of Biological Sciences, UCSD; Calit2 Director Larry Smarr
Length: 18:19  [video]
Pavel Pevzner Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology
Pavel Pevzner, Director
Length: 9:25  [video]
Michael Waterman Whole-Genome Optical Mapping
Michael Waterman, University of Southern California
Length: 26:58  [video]
Banu Dost QNET: A Tool for Querying Protein Interaction Networks
Banu Dost, UC San Diego
Length: 12:19  [video]
Craig Mak Modeling Dynamic Transcriptional Regulatory Networks
Craig Mak, UC San Diego
Length: 15:07   [video]
Serafim Batzoglou Models and Algorithms for Genomic Sequences, Proteins and Networks of Protein Interactions
Serafim Batzoglou, Stanford University
Length: 35:08  [video]
Chris Benner HOMER: Algorithm for the De Novo Discovery of Cis-Regulatory Elements from High Throughput Data
Chris Benner, UC San Diego
Length: 12:18 [video]
Christine Vogel
Insights into Translational Regulation by Absolute Protein Expression Profiling
Christine Vogel, University of Texas at Austin
Length: 17:27  [video]

Streaming video of presentations at the Dec. 1-3 RECOMB Satellite Workshops on Systems Biology and Computational Proteomics will be available shortly at the conference website and Calit2's Multimedia site.

Related Links

Algorithmic Biology 2006
Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology
RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Systems Biology
RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Computational Proteomics