
The Student Spectrum web site showcase current and former Calit2 students
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education UCSD

Summer Research Scholarship:

This program, which began the summer of 2001, provides talented undergraduates with hands-on research experience to help them better define their career goals and help them sort out what options to pursue after graduation. Students conduct 10 weeks of research under the guidance of UCSD faculty and participate in a series of meetings focused on topics of interest to them. The program typically ends with a formal scholarly poster session to in which the students present their work to their peers, advisors, and often the larger campus and industry communities.

UCSD students (including students graduating in the spring) are eligible to apply to this program, which typically is advertised in the early spring.

For more information:
Summer Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

Student Employment:

Calit2 hires undergraduate students as employees to work on specific tasks associated with administrative, communications, and technical needs. Interested student can apply for such positions through the UCSD Career Services Center, and open jobs are also listed at

Design Courses:

Calit2 is committed to bringing new project and mentorship opportunities to various campus initiatives. The UCSD division regularly sponsors student projects in conjunction with existing student design courses in the ECE and MAE departments. Student teams sponsored by Calit2 work under the supervision of Calit2 researchers or technical professionals on real-world engineering projects.

Student Design Studio:

This core space for undergraduate research space is intended to support collaboration among students involved in the various Calit2 programs. This shared space, on the sixth floor of the Calit2 building, can be used for experimentation and developing proofs of concept to enhance the competitiveness of grant applications.

Teams In Engineering Service (TIES) program:

The UCSD division of Calit2 sponsors undergraduate students involved in the new Teams in Engineering Service program launched by the UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering ( Through TIES, multi-disciplinary teams of UCSD students design, build and deploy projects that solve technology-based problems for local community organizations.

Undergraduate Bioinformatics Research Program:

The UCSD division provides support to various initiatives aimed at improving the undergraduate bioinformatics education at UCSD. The program includes a structure for students to identify research opportunities and join bioinformatics research labs across campus, a mentoring program with graduate students, research symposia, a Calit2 Bioinformatics Scholar Award, and travel support to conferences to present research findings.

Pacific Rim Undergraduate Experiences (PRIME) Program:

Calit2 values programs that enhance the quality of undergraduate experience through opportunities for research or collaborative experience, particularly in other countries. PRIME provides project-based, international experience for undergraduate students, leveraging several UCSD programs and NSF's investment in the Pacific Rim Application Grid Middleware Assembly (PRAGMA). During the initial phase of funding, the program is targeting science and engineering students from Sixth College, which is focused on the integration of culture, arts, and technology. Students will work on cyberinfrastructure projects with dual mentors, one at UCSD and one in another country spend the summer at an institution outside the US, and participate in an international meeting to present the results of the project.