Larry Smarr's Archived Talks: 1998

Ordered By Date

A Review of User Projects at the Alliance Leading Edge Site (December 5, 1998)
Opening Talk to the Alliance Allocation Board, Hosted by the Maui High Performance Computing Center, Maui, Hawaii
Industrial Supercomputing (November 17, 1998)
Opening Talk to NCSA Strategic Industrial Partners Program Advisory Committee, NCSA, UIUC, Illinois
The Future of Scientific Computing (November 13, 1998)
Panel Session on The 10 Past and the 10 Future Years of HPC, Supercomputing ‘98 in Orlanda, Florida
From Supercomputing to the Grid (November 10, 1998)
Invited Talk at SGI Booth During Supercomputing ‘98 in Orlanda, Florida
NSF PACI Program Overview (November 6, 1998)
Invited Joint Talk with Sid Karin to the NSF Deputy Director and Assistant Directors, NSF Headquarters, Arlington, VA
The Alliance Distributed Supercomputing Facilities (November 9, 1998)
Opening Talk to the Alliance User Advisory Council, Held at Supercomputing ‘98 in Orlanda, Florida
The Future of Scientific Computing (November 2, 1998)
Invited Talk at the Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VIII Conference Hosted by UIUC
The Future of Information Technology (October 22, 1998)
Keynote Talk to the Society of American Military Engineers 1998 Great Lakes Regional Conference "Engineering Education Excellence”, Urbana, Illinois
Strategic Applications to Drive Strategic Technologies for the 21st Century (October 13, 1998)
Keynote Talk at the RCI Annual Member Management Executive Conference, Arlington, Virginia
Expanding Participation in Computing and Communications --The NSF Partnerships for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (October 8, 1998)
Panel Discussion in “Making the Net Work for Research and Higher Education”, a Policy Summit for Senior Executives of EPSCoR Universities at SDSC, San Diego, California
The Emerging National Technology Grid: Using High-End Computational Science to Predict the Broad-Based Future (October 7, 1998)
Invited Talk to the San Diego Science and Technology Council "Science Futures"
The Emerging National Technology Grid (September 11, 1998)
The 1998 Annual University of Kansas Center for Advanced Scientific Computing Distinguished Lecture.
The Leading Edge of Scientific Computation (July 30, 1998)
Invited Talk at the NSF/DOE Workshop on Advanced Scientific Computation Held at the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC
Bringing Science to the Grid (July 29, 1998)
Keynote Talk at the High Performance Distributed Computing Conference in Chicago, IL.
Tele-Immersion - The Killer Application for High Performance Networks (July 27, 1998)
Panel Talk at a Vanguard Meeting in San Francisco, CA
Increasing Competitiveness Through the Utilization of Emerging Technologies (July 17, 1998)
Leader to Leader Speaker Series, Allstate Insurance Company (Proprietary Material Removed)
Coupling the Leading Edge Site with the Alliance Partners (July 15, 1998)
Talk given to First Annual ITEA Workshop on High Performance Computing in Support of Test and Evaluation at Aberdeen, MD
Information Infrastructure for the Social Sciences in the 21st Century (July 13, 1998)
A Talk in the Hubert M. Blalock, Jr. Memorial Lecture Series on Advanced Topics in Social Research at University of Michigan
Bringing the Grid to Chemical Engineering (July 5, 1998)
Opening Talk at the 1998 Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations Conference in Snowbird, Utah
Supercomputing: Directions in Technology, Architecture and Applications (June 18,1998)
Keynote Talk to Supercomputer’98 in Mannheim, Germany
Supercomputing the Next Century (June 15,1998)
Talk to the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik Albert-Einstein-Institut, Potsdam, Germany
Envisioning the 21st Century with Collaborative Technologies (June 3,1998)
Presentation to the National Assn. of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, Chicago, IL
Computing the 21st Century (May 27,1998)
Talk Given to the NSF Sugar Panel
Coupling the Leading Edge Site with the Alliance Partners (April 28,1998)
Talk given to Alliance ‘98 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Keeping Illinois in a Leadership Position (April 16,1998)
Presentation to Secretary of State George Ryan. 
It Takes an Alliance to Build a Grid (March 25, 1998)
Talk Given at the HPCC98 Conference in Newport, R.I. 
Visualization Needs in Science and Technology (March 5, 1998)
Talk given to ASCI Workshop on Data Visualization Corridors for Large Scale Computing--User Perspectives
Supercomputing Demand Exceeds Supply in NSF PACI Program (February 20, 1998)
Slides Analyzing the Requests and Allocations at the PACI National Resource Allocation Committee Meeting
The Alliance Visualization Program (February 19, 1998)
Talk given to Sandia and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories
From NCSA to the Alliance - Computer Science interacting with Computational Science (January 29, 1998)
Invited Talk to UIUC Computer Science Grad Students
Overview of the Alliance (January 22, 1998)
Kickoff Course in Alliance Streaming Video Series
The Emergence of the NT/Intel Standard (January 14, 1998)
Talk Given to Visitors from Compaq and Allstate
Knowledge Management and Corporate Intranets (January 13, 1998)
Talk to visiting team from Fisher Scientific

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This page is part of Larry Smarr's Web Site.
Created by Larry Smarr and Joseph Smarr.