Larry Smarr's Archived Talks: 1999

Ordered by Date

Critical Issues Facing Illinois (September 27, 1999)
Technology Plenary Talk, Partnership Illinois, UIUC
NCSA's Private Sector Program (September 23, 1999)
Opening Talk, GTE Visit, NCSA, UIUC
Progress of the Alliance (September 20, 1999)
Opening Talk, Alliance External Advisory Council, ACCESS-DC, Ballston, VA.
Computational Engineering in the 21st Century (September 13, 1999)
Keynote Talk to the Society of Automotive Engineers, Indianapolis, IN.
NCSA's Private Sector Program (August 11, 1999)
Opening Talk to Goodyear Visit to NCSA.
Alliance Roadmaps to the Post-Web World (August 9, 1999)
Opening Keynote to the Alliance Chautauqua '99 Meetings at Univ. New Mexico, Univ. Kentucky, and Boston Univ.
Botanical Sciences in a Post-Web World (August 4, 1999)
XVI International Botanical Congress, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO
NCSA and the Alliance Roadmaps (July 27, 1999)
Quarterly Update at the NCSA Private Sector Program Strategic Industrial Partners Meeting
Visions for the Future of Social Science (July 16, 1999)
Invited Talk at the 1999 Big 10 Doctoral Consortium, UIUC
The NCSA/Alliance Plans for FY00 (July 13, 1999)
Shell Oil Corporation, Houston, Texas
Computational Science and Engineering in the 21st Century (June 24, 1999)
Seminar at the Institut Universitaire des Systèmes Thermiques Industriels (IUSTI), Marseille, France
Toward Commodity Supercomputing (June 17, 1999)
Institut du Développement et des Ressources en Informatique Scientifique (IDRIS), Paris, France
The PACI Program Enabling Research, Education, and Competitiveness (June 4, 1999)
Talk During the Visit by Representative Sensenbrenner to the UIUC
Are Engineering Students Receiving Enough Supercomputing Experience? (May 10, 1999)
Invited Talk at the Symposium on "How Much Can We Rely on Mathematical Modeling?" Sponsored by The Academy Industry Program of the National Research Council
The NCSA / Alliance Vision for Capability Computing (May 3, 1999)
NCSA/SGI Conference and Workshop on Capability Computing on the Origin2000, Held at NCSA
NCSA/Alliance Future Directions/Trends and Perspectives (April 27, 1999)
Opening Talk to the Annual NCSA Strategic Industrial Partners held at NCSA, UIUC, Illinois
Developing the IT Workforce for the 21st Century (April 27, 1999)
Keynote Talk for IT Futures-A Workshop Held at Parkland Community College, Champaign, IL
Computational Engineering (April 21, 1999)
Talk During a Visit from the Engineering Directorate, NSF, to NCSA
Information Technology: Backbone for the Knowledge Economy (April 16, 1999)
Invited Panel Talk to the 24th Annual AAAS Colloquium on Science and Technology Policy
The Beginning of the Access Grid (April 15, 1999)
Opening Talk at the Dedication of the Alliance ACCESS-DC Facility, Ballston, VA
The Post vBNS World (March 4, 1999)
Talk to the PACI Post vBNS Workshop, San Diego, California
Information Infrastructure - The Next Challenge for Illinois (February 25, 1999)
Invited Talk to the House Computer Technology Committee of the State of Illinois Legislature Springfield, IL
Opportunities for Collaboration Between NCSA and LANL (February 8, 1999)
Talk During the Visit by Los Alamos to NCSA
The Emergence of the Grid and Internet Commerce - An Update (January 20, 1999)
Invited Talk to the NCSA Strategic Industrial Partners held at NCSA, UIUC, Illinois
Trends in High Performance Computing (January 15,1999)
Keynote Talk at HPC Day, Hosted by the UIUC Department of Computer Science

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This page is part of Larry Smarr's Web Site.
Created by Larry Smarr and Joseph Smarr.