Larry Smarr's Archived Talks: 2000

Ordered by Date

Briefing on Cal-(IT)2  (December 22, 2000)
Visit by DARPA ITO to UCSD

The Mobile Internet Powered by the Planetary Computer (December 4, 2000)
Keynote Talk to the Technology Outlook Conference on “The Future of Pervasive Computing”, San Francisco Airport Marriott

The "New Internet":  Digital Wireless, Parallel Photonics, and Megacomputing (November 17, 2000)
Invited videoteleconference presentation for the Symposium Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of Boston University’s
Center for Computational Science, Boston, MA

The Era of Megacomputers--What Can You Do With a Million Processors? (November 10, 2000)
Invited Chair of Megacomputer Panel Presentation, SC2000 Conference, Dallas, TX

Scientific Applications of Internet Computing (October 19, 2000)
Keynote Speech at the Dedication of the Applied Computational Engineering and Sciences Building at The University of Texas at Austin

Removing the Limits from Scalable Computing (October 18, 2000)
Plenary Talk for the ISC2000 Shell Integrated Subsurface Conference, Houston, TX

 PITAC Open Source Panel for High End Computing (August 28, 2000)
Invited Talk to the Los Alamos Computer Science Institute, Santa Fe, NM

Constructing a National Scalable Information Infrastructure (March 18, 2000)
Plenary Talk to the National Electrical Engineering & Computer Engineering Department Heads Association 
(NEEDHA 2000) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA
Frontiers of Visualization of Ecological Systems (March 9, 2000)
Invited Talk at the NSF's National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Workshop, 
SDSC, University of California San Diego, CA
Terascale Computational Physics (February 21, 2000)
Talk to the Physics Department, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Living in Cyberspace (February 21, 2000)
Lloyd B. Thomas Lecture, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Clusters: the Alliance and NPACI (February 11,2000)
Invited Talk at the NPACI All-Hands Meeting, SDSC, UCSD, La Jolla, CA
Computer Science Problems in Scalable Computing and Building the Grid (January 18, 2000)
Talk to the Physics Department, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Computational Physics in the Grid Computing Era (January 11, 2000)
University of California Santa Barbara, Physics Colloquium, Santa Barbara, CA
The First Fifty Years of the Two Black Hole Collision Problem: 1935 to 1985 (January 10, 2000)
Invited Talk at the UCSB Institute of Theoretical Physics Miniprogram on Colliding Black Holes: 
Mathematical Problems in Numerical Relativity, Santa Barbara, CA

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This page is part of Larry Smarr's Web Site.
Created by Larry Smarr and Joseph Smarr.