Speaker Bios
Video Archive
Pavel Pevzner
Opening Remarks
Pavel Pevzner, Director
Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology (CASB)
Length: 3:58 [video]
Manolis Kellis
Interpreting the Human Genome
Manolis Kellis, MIT
Length: 49:10 [video]
Ron Shamir
Some Computational Challenges in Today's Bio-Medicine
Ron Shamir, Tel Aviv University
Length: 47:27 [video]
David Haussler Reconstructing 100 Million Years of Human Evolutionary History
David Haussler, UC Santa Cruz
Length: 37:31  [video]
CASB Panel Bioinformatics Panel Discussion
Phil Bourne, UCSD (Moderator); l-r: Shankar Subramaniam, UCSD; Ron Shamir (TAU); David Haussler (UC Santa Cruz); Manolis Kellis (MIT); Serafim Batzoglou (Stanford). 
Length: 16:58  [video]
Ramesh Rao Inaugurates CASB CASB Inauguration
Pavel Pevzner, UC San Diego and Director, CASB; Ramesh Rao (pictured), Director, Calit2 at UCSD; Jacobs School of Engineering Dean Frieder Seible; Suresh Subramani, Dean, Division of Biological Sciences, UCSD; Calit2 Director Larry Smarr
Length: 18:19  [video]
Pavel Pevzner Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology
Pavel Pevzner, Director
Length: 9:25  [video]
Michael Waterman Whole-Genome Optical Mapping
Michael Waterman, University of Southern California
Length: 26:58  [video]
Banu Dost QNET: A Tool for Querying Protein Interaction Networks
Banu Dost, UC San Diego
Length: 12:19  [video]
Craig Mak Modeling Dynamic Transcriptional Regulatory Networks
Craig Mak, UC San Diego
Length: 15:07   [video]
Serafim Batzoglou Models and Algorithms for Genomic Sequences, Proteins and Networks of Protein Interactions
Serafim Batzoglou, Stanford University
Length: 35:08  [video]
Chris Benner HOMER: Algorithm for the De Novo Discovery of Cis-Regulatory Elements from High Throughput Data
Chris Benner, UC San Diego
Length: 12:18 [video]
Christine Vogel
Insights into Translational Regulation by Absolute Protein Expression Profiling
Christine Vogel, University of Texas at Austin
Length: 17:27  [video]
Contact: Nuno Bandeira (858) 534-8865 bandeira@cs.ucsd.edu