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Thursday, November 30, 2006
Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology
California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
University of California, San Diego

Held in Conjunction with RECOMB Satellite Workshops
Systems Biology, Dec. 1-2, 2006 (Chair: Trey Ideker, UCSD) and
Computational Proteomics, December 2-3, 2006 (Chair: Vineet Bafna, UCSD)

Progress in the life sciences would not be possible without significant breakthrough developments in algorithmic biology. Sophisticated algorithms (such as fragment assembly or fast sequence comparison) have become a part of the everyday life of modern biologists and have seamlessly enabled otherwise unthinkable large-scale explorations of experimental data. The goal of the Algorithmic Biology conference is to discuss the challenges faced in this field today, and to bring computational and experimental researchers closer together. At the intersection of many diverse disciplines, algorithmic biology represents an exceptionally wide intellectual community that reaches into nearly every area of modern molecular biology. This conference (followed by the RECOMB satellite conferences on Systems Biology and Computational Proteomics) is the first in a series of conferences to be organized by the newly-established Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology (CASB) at Calit2. The new center brings together algorithmic and systems biology researchers and students from UCSD, Burnham Institute, and The Scripps Research Institute. Our goals: to provide a collaborative environment for bioinformatics researchers from different backgrounds, and to bolster academic and industry bioinformatics collaborations in Southern California.

Conference Organizers:

Pavel Pevzner and Nuno Bandeira
Computer Science and Engineering
UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering

Contact: Nuno Bandeira (858) 534-8865 bandeira@cs.ucsd.edu