Graduate Students Get Support for TDLC Motion Capture and Brain Dynamics Study

By Doug Ramsey, 858-822-5825,

San Diego, CA, April 25, 2007  -- The Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center (TDLC) announced today that the University of California, San Diego has awarded grants to support four graduate students working on motion capture and brain dynamics under TDLC's aegis.

Duangmanee Pew Putthividhya
Duangmanee (Pew) Putthividhya is one of four graduate students who will receive support for their work in TDLC. She is a Ph.D. student in the Jacobs School of Engineering but also works in the Institute for Neural Computation.
The Dean of Graduate Studies has approved a project titled "EEG Analysis During Natural Movement" for funding. The funding is retroactive to the April 1, 2007 start date, and the university will provide fellowships of up to $15,000 per year for each of the students:

- Paul Hammon (Electrical and Computer Engineering);

- Duangmanee (Pew) Putthividhya (Electrical and Computer Engineering);

- Dan Liu (Cognitive Science); and
- Nicole Swann (Neuroscience).

The graduate students will carry out their study in two of the TDLC facilities constructed at UCSD: the Motion Capture Facility, led by cognitive science professor Emo Todorov; and the Brain Dynamics Facility, led by Scott Makeig, director of the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience.

Funding beyond the first year may be available, but renewals will not be automatically awarded.  To obtain support for subsequent years, students will be required to submit an annual progress report to the Dean of Graduate Studies by March 1, 2008.

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