Calit2 Buildings Designed to Promote Creative Interaction

UCSD Building Construction UCI Building Construction
UCSD Building Construction WebCam (operational from 6am to 5pm PDT) UCI Building Construction WebCam

Windows into Calit²: UCSD and UCI Install WebCams on Construction
After nearly three years of frequent, intensive meetings that have leveraged the insight of Calit² faculty and staff with campus leadership, architects, and planners, we are now ready - in real time! - to engage our community and interested public in following our construction progress. [Read More]

Principles of Occupancy

8.31.04 – Both new buildings at UCI and UCSD are making rapid progress toward conclusion, with the UCI building expected to be occupied this fall and the UCSD building the spring of 2005. To facilitate identifying the research groups that will move into the new facilities, the UCI and UCSD divisions have published a joint set of “principles for occupancy” (

May 31, 2002
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Event photos

UCSD Building Time Lapse  
Name of Building: Calit² Building at UC San Diego
Time Lapse Construction Period: December 2002-March 2004
Length: 5:10
[Real Media format]

UCSD Animated Building Fly-Through
From notated two dimensional plans, Ben Maggos, Matt Hope and Bobby Mazaheri constructed 3D models of the building under the direction of NMA layer leader, Sheldon Brown." The 3D models were then rebuilt and optimized to run in a real-time interactive environment. In addition, the optimized models were textured; the notes accompanying the original drawings were realized as texture maps – carpeting, aluminum panels, colored glass etc.
Length: 3:59
[Real Media format]
Length: 1:46
[Real Media format]
Length: 1:48
[Real Media format]


  • 215,00 gross square feet
  • Clean room including:
    - Materials characterization lab with structural and chemical probes
    - Nanoscale fabrication lab
  • Wireless communications/ network laboratories
  • Circuits laboratory
  • Optical networking laboratory
  • New Media Arts spaces for research, production, exhibition, and performance
  • Audio/video lab
  • Exhibit gallery
  • "Research neighborhoods"
  • 150-seat auditorium
  • Rooftop "antenna garden"

Architects - NBBJ

Occupancy - Early 2005


  • 120,000 gross square feet
  • "Wet" and "dry" research labs
  • Clean room to integrate mechanical, photonic, biological, electrical, fluidic, micro-electro- mechanical systems (MEMS), bio-MEMs, and "lab-on-chip" technology
  • Synthesis and characteriziation lab for polymers and materials
  • Research cluster space capable of being reconfigured
  • 80-seat auditorium

Architects - Johnson Fain Partners

Occupancy - Early 2005





UCI Building Time Lapse  
Name of Building: Calit² Building at UC Irvine
Time Lapse Construction Period: October 2002-February 2004
Courtesy: Seth Hettich, School of Information and Computer Science, UCI
Length: 8:26
[Real Media format]