Metagenomics 2007 Proceedings Now Available in Streaming Video

By Doug Ramsey

San Diego, CA, August 5, 2007 -- Proceedings from the second annual Metagenomics conference at UC San Diego in July are now available in streaming video. Topics include microbial ecology, genomics and evolution, bioinformatics, biogeochemistry, ecological genomics, population/community genomics and environmental genomics. The July 11-13 conference was hosted by the UCSD Division of Calit2 in Atkinson Hall.

Most presentations are available for on-demand viewing below from Calit2's Multimedia archive [Real player and broadband connection required].

Larry Smarr
Welcome: The Emerging Global Commnuity of Microbial Metagenomics Researchers 
Larry Smarr, UCSD/Calit2
Length: 23:45 [video] [PDF]
Masahira Hattori
Keynote I: Sequencing of Bacterial Genomes and Metagenomes
Masahira Hattori, Tokyo University/RIKEN
Length: 56:30 [video] [PDF]
Paul Gilna
Opening Remarks and Logistics
Paul Gilna, UCSD
Length: 5:55 [video]
Jed Fuhrman
Keynote II : Marine Microbial Metagenomics, Discoveries and New Directions
Jed Fuhrman, University of Southern California
Length: 1:04:01 [video] [PDF]
Dawn Field
Towards a richer description of our complete collection of genomes and metagenomes: An update on the activities of the Genomic Standards Consortium
Dawn Field, Oxford Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Length: 27:05 [video] [PDF]
James M. Tiedje
National Academies Report: The Global Metagenomics Initiative - The Path Forward
James M. Tiedje, Michigan State University
Length: 27:09 [video] [PDF]
Breakout Sessions
Medical Metagenomics
Medical Metagenomics
Human Biology
Chair: Trevor G. Marshall, Autoimmunity Research Foundation
Speaker: Peter J. Turnbaough, Washington University
Length: 49:32 [video] [PDF]
Computational Metagenomics
Computational Metagenomics
Ontology and Standardization
Chair: Jonathan Eisen UC Davis
Length: 44:18 [video]
Applied Metagenomics
Applied Metagenomics
Discovering opportunity for Bioenergy
Chair: Phil Hugenholtz, JGI
Speaker: Yuri Gorby, JCVI
Length: 50:45 [video] [PDF]
Environmental Metagenomics
Environmental Metagenomics
Modeling the natural world
Chair: Trina McMahon, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
Speaker: Patrick Schloss, UMass Amherst
Length: 1:00:36 [video] [PDF]
Ecological Metagenomics
Ecological Metagenomics
Evolution and population
Chair: Francisco Rodriguez-Valera, Universidad Miguel Hernández in Alicante
Length: 1:00:36 [video]
Breakout Session Reports
Reports on Breakout Sessions
John Wooley, UCSD (Moderator); various speakers
Length: 40:47 [video]
Forest Rowher
Metagenomic analyses of corals
Forest Rohwer, San Diego State University
Length: 21:15 [video] [PDF]
Mitchell Sogin
Population structure of microbial communities in the world's oceans
Mitchell Sogin, Marine Biological Lab, Woods Hole
Length: 41:20 [video] [PDF]

Adam Godzik
Structural metagenomics: Lessons from the first experimentally characterized GOS proteins
Adam Godzik, Burnham Institute
Length: 46:35 [video]
Parallel Technical Sessions
Philip Papadopoulos
Detailed view of the architecture and implementation of a metagenomics server
Philip Papadopoulos, UC San Diego/SDSC
Length: 24:27 [video] [PDF]
Victor Markowitz
Metagenome sequence data management and analysis
Victor M. Markowitz, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Length: 34:25 [video] [PDF]
Frank Oliver Gloeckner
Developing a software workbench for marine ecological genomics
Frank Oliver Gloeckner, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology
Length: 32:39 [video
Folker Meyer
The Metagenomics RAST server: Automated analysis of Sanger and 454-type metagenomes
Folker Meyer, Argonne National Laboratory
Length: 17:00 [video] [PDF]
Gautam Dantas
Technologies for metagenomics selection and sequencing
Gautam Dantas, Harvard University
Length: 33:30 [video] [PDF]
Ravindra Pushker
Micro-Mar: A database for dynamic representation of marine microbial diversity
Ravindra Pushker, University College Dublin
Length: 32:00 [video]
Kayo Arima
Kayo Arima, UC San Diego
Length: 2:16 [video]

Other speakers at Metagenomics 2007 included Janet Jansson, David Relman, Jillian Banfield, Phil Hugenholz and Julian Parkhill. At each speaker's request, video of their talks is not being made available at this time.

Media Contacts

Media Contact: Doug Ramsey, (858) 822-5825,

Related Links
Metagenomics 2007