British Visitors Seek Collaboration

By Anna Lynn Spitzer

Ben Raphael
Clive Hayzelden, Zeiss lab manager, points out features of the SEMs.

Irvine, Calif., March 18, 2008  -- Two visitors from a university recently ranked “Best in the UK” visited Calit2@UCI last week to explore potential collaborations.

Professors Stuart Palmer and Mark Smith from England’s University of Warwick toured the Calit2 Building March 14. They viewed the scanning electron microscopes in the Zeiss Center of Excellence, watched a HIPerWall demonstration and observed GreenScanner in action in the Interactive Animation Lab.

The University of Warwick is opening a Calit2-type research institute; Palmer, the university’s deputy vice-chancellor, and Smith, pro-vice-chancellor, were interested in learning more about Calit2’s research and investigating opportunities for collaboration.

Genome Diagram
Visitors view the HIPerWall.

The professors were building on a series of discussions held last year between arts and humanity faculty members from Warwick and UCI. The two universities are discussing collaborative research, graduate education, and faculty and student mobility, in both the arts and the sciences.

G.P. Li, director of the Irvine division of Calit2, was optimistic about the possibilities. “University of Warwick is very highly regarded in the U.K. and like Calit2, works with local industry on its research projects,” he said. “I think both universities will benefit by sharing our ideas and expertise.”