Streaming Video of Presentations at the CineGrid International Workshop

By Alex Matthews

San Diego, CA, March 25, 2008 -- Calit2 at UC San Diego recently hosted the 2nd Annual CineGrid International Workshop. Participants from academia, Hollywood and the consumer electronics industry covered many aspects of digital cinema technology, including the capture, presentation, and distribution methods for 4K digital cinema (which offers four times the resolution of the most widely used high-definition TV standard).Archived webcasts of select panels and talks are now available for on-demand viewing. [Windows Media Player and broadband connection required; click for information on the latest version, and on players for Mac and Linux users ] To watch each video, click on the image or highlighted video link.

Ramesh Rao, Director Calit2
Welcoming Remarks
Ramesh Rao, Director, UCSD Division, Calit2
Length: 2:11 [video]
Successful CineGrid Projects 2007
Successful CineGrid Projects in 2007
Laurin Herr, Pacific Interface (moderator); Naohisa Ohta, Keio DMC; Tom Erbe, UCSD; Kunitake Kaneko, Keio DMC; John Beer, Qvidium; Alan Verlo, UIC/EVL; Michael Krsek, CESNET; Paul Hearty, Ryerson University; Felix Nevrela, CinePOST; Mats Erixon, Swedish Royal Institute of Technology
Length: 1:31:24 [video]
 Tom Defanti CineGrid-on-GLIF: Persistent, Global and Application Driven
Tom DeFanti, UCSD/Calit2
Length: 15:02 [video]
Cees de Laat
Introduction to CineGrid Working Groups
Cees de Laat, University of Amsterdam
Length: 24:12 [video]
Craig Mirkin
Panel: 4K Workflow: Picture/CG & Film Scanner Originated
Craig Mirkin, ILM (moderator); Richard Spohrer, The Pixel Farm Ltd.;  Lou Levinson, Post Logic
Length: 44:26 [video]
Dave Stump
Panel : 4K Workflow: Picture/Camera Originated
Dave Stump, ASC (moderator); Kunitake Kaneko, Keio DMC; Rob Hummel, Dalsa Digital Cinema; Ted Schilowitz, Red Digital Cinema
Length: 51:20 [video]
Elizabeth Cohen
Panel: Audio Workflow: Sound and Sync
Elizabeth Cohen, Cohen Acoustical Inc. (moderator); Peter Otto, UCSD; Steve Morris, Skywalker Sound; Pierre-Anthony Lemieux, Dolby Labs
Length: 49:18 [video]
Louise Ledeen
Panel: Introduction to CineGrid Exchange
Louise Ledeen, NetApp (moderator); Laurin Herr, Pacific Interface; Reagan Moore, San Diego Supercomputer Ctr
Length: 22:55 [video]
Naohisa Ohta
Building a CineGrid Node: Picture making/ viewing
Naohisa Ohta, Keio DMC; Paul Hearty, Ryerson/RCC
Length: 28:06 [video]
Brian Long
Building a CineGrid Node: Sound making/listening
Brian Long, Meyer Sound Laboratories; Peter Otto, UCSD
Length: 16:58 [video]
Ryan Wyatt
Building A CineGrid Node: Auditorium Facilities and Audience Environment
Ryan Wyatt, California Academy of Sciences; Tei Iki, Reuben H. Fleet Science Center
Length: 30:53 [video]
Bonnie Hurst
Panel: Provisioning CineGrid Connectivity
Bonnie Hurst, RENCI (moderator); Alan Verlo, StarLight/UIC/EVL; Walter van Dijk, SurfNET; Many Ayromlou, Ryerson University Rogers Communications Centre Length: 30:13 [video]
Larry Smarr
Panel: Exploiting Lambda Capacity for CineGrid Applications
Larry Smarr, Calit2 (moderator); Inder Monga, Nortel; Tomonori Aoyama, Keio DMC; Frank Kresin, Waag Society; Jan Gruntorad, CESNET
Length: 45:02 [video]
Naohisa Ohta
Panel: Streaming HD, 4K and Beyond
Naohisa Ohta, Keio/DMC (moderator)
iHDTV for HD streaming - Jim DeRoest, UW/Research Channel
1394/IP Gateways for HD streaming – John Beer, Qvidium
JPEG 2000 4K streaming - Tatsuya Fujii, NTT Network Innovations Lab
Uncompressed 4K streaming – Kunitake Kaneko, Keio/DMC
Quad HDTV streaming – Mats Erixon, KTH
VizCasting for Very Large Images – Jason Leigh, UIC/Electronic Visualization Lab
Optical Multicast for Streaming Media – Hervé Guy, CANARIE
Length: 1:32:39 [video]
Richard Weinberg
CineGrid Tutorials: GLIF, GRID, JPEG2000/DCP
Richard Weinberg, USC/SCA (moderator)
Introduction to GLIF & GRID Concepts – Cees de Laat, UvA
Introduction to DCP Compression & Mastering – Jim Whittlesey, Deluxe
Length: 1:22:19 [video]
Jim Whittlesey
Panel: Compression Alternatives for HD and 4K  
JPEG 2000 Software Encoding – Jim Whittlesey, Deluxe and Michael Marcellin, University of Arizona
AVC/H.264 – Tom McMahon, Broadcom
DIRAC – Peter Wilson, High Definition & Digital Cinema Ltd
GPU-accelerated DXT Compression – Luc Renambot, UIC/ EVL
Real-time Lossless Compression - Norihisa Suzuki, Zaxel
High Quality - Wide Dynamic Range Compression, Gary Demos
Length: 1:34:25 [video]
Dan Sandin
Panel: Stereoscopy Strategies
Dan Sandin, UIC/EVL (moderator)

Stereo Digital Cinema Strategies
Technology Alternatives for Stereo Digital Cinema – Walt Husak, Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
Mastering, Distributing and Displaying 3D Stereo Digital Cinema Garrett Smith, Paramount Pictures

New Stereoscopy Strategies for Science and Art

Varrier: Stereo Without Glasses – Dan Sandin, UIC/EVL
StarCAVE: Immersive 3D – Greg Dawe, UCSD/Calit2
Length: 1:24:37 Available Soon
Naut Humon
Panel: CineGrid for the Arts
Joaquin Alvarado, SFSU/INGI (moderator);  Sheldon Brown, UCSD/CRCA;  Naut Humon, Recombinant  Media,  Harry Schreurs, Dutch Film Academy; Eduardo Navas, Ph. D Graduate Fellow, UCSD
Length: 57:18 [video]

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