Video Archive from Workshop on New Communication Channels for Biology

By Pinar Istek

San Diego, CA, June 30, 2008 -- More than 20 experts presented their views on the future and use of new media and communications in the biological and other sciences. The New Communications Channels in Biology Workshop at UC San Diego was organized by the Calit2-based Community Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Marine Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis (CAMERA) with funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Talks ranged across topics in e-science communications, including science blogs, semantic Web tools, authenticated wiki-like research discussions and analysis, as well as the potential to formalize community-level contributions. Calit2 speakers included CAMERA executive director Paul Gilna and the developer of the Research Intelligence portal, Jerry Sheehan. Calit2 offered a live webcast of the workshop; the individual talks are now archived for on-demand viewing [Windows Media player and broadband connection required; to troubleshoot any problems accessing the videos, click here].

New Communications Channels/Opening Remarks
Srikrishna Subramanian, Burnham Institute for Medical Research
Length: 9:04  [video]
SESSION I - Scientific Discovery and Dissemination
Chair :
George Garrity, Michigan State University
Length: 01:23 [video]
Apprehending Life's Complexity : Making and Communicating Biological Discoveries
Aravind L. Iyer, Computational Biology Branch, NCBI, NLM, NIH
Length: 33:12 [video]
Hilary Spencer
Nature Proceedings and the Flow of Scientific Research
Hilary Spencer, Nature Publishing Group
Length: 34:02 [video]
Moshe Pritsker
Video-Publication for Biological Research : Why and how to do it
Moshe Pritsker , CEO, Journal of Visual Experiments
Length: 24:21 [video]
Chair : Jean Claude Bradley
SESSION II - Data Sharing & Reuse
Jean-Claude Bradley, Drexel University
Length: 01:17
Dan Gezelter
From Open Source to Open Science
Dan Gezelter, University of Notre Dame
Length: 34:49 [video]
Aaron Fulkerson
Collaborative Technologies and Best Practices
Aaaron Fulkerson, CEO MindTouch
Length: 38:17 [video]
Jerry Sheehan
Calit2 Technology Overview
Jerry Sheehan
Length: 23:15 [video]
Gerard Manning
SESSION III Web 2.0 Applications & Impact on Biology
Chair :
Gerard Manning, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Length: 04:26 [video]
Michael Gribskov
Michael Gribskov, Purdue University
Length: 26:39 [video
Alexander Pico
WikiPathways : An Experiment in the Community-based Curation of Biology
Alexander Pico, The Gladstone Institutes, San Francisco
Length: 32:58 [video]
Sheldon McKay
modENCODE & Wormbase - Wikis for Genome Biology
Sheldon McKay, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Length: 36:40 [video
Michael Nielsen
Future of Science
Michael Nielsen, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ontario, Canada
Length: 1:03:17 [video]
Chris Day.
Citizendium and Community-driven Knowledge Efforts
Chris Day, University of Wisconsin
Length: 26:10 [video]
Paul Gilna
A Community-driven Cyber Infrastructure for Metagenomics
Paul Gilna, University of California, San Diego
Length: 24:16 [video]
Chris Condayan
Communicating Science to the Public with New Media
Chris Condayan, American Society of Microbiology
Length: 29:14 [video not currently available]
George Garrity Toward a Standards - Compliant Genomic and Metagenomic Publication Record
George Garrity, Michigan State University
Length: 30:53 [video]
SciVee Team SciVee: Taking scientific communication into the 21st century
SciVee Team
Length: 22:26
John Wooley Breakout Groups Assignments and Instructions
John Wooley, University of California, San Diego
Length: 1:51 [video]
Blue Team Building and Sustaining Online Communities
Blue Team
Length: 6:37 [video]
Green & Yellow Team What Are the Real Problems in Scientific Communication?
Green and Yellow Team
Length: 6:47 [video]
Red Team Critical Mass : A Multifaceted Problem
Red Team
Length: 11:10 [video]
John Wooley Discussion and Closing Comments
John Wooley, University of California, San Diego
Length: 16:54 [video]

Related Links
Research Intelligence Portal

Related Projects
Community Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Marine Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis