Video Archive of Talks at La Jolla Proteomics Conference Now Streaming On-Demand

By Pinar Istek

San Diego, CA, July 6, 2008 -- The first-ever La Jolla Proteomics Conference took place July 2 at Calit2 on the UC San Diego campus. The theme: From Experiment to Computing.

Organized by Calit2's Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology (CASB), the public-private conference addressed current research in mass spectrometry as applied to proteomics -- the large-scale study of the total protein complement of the cell. With the sequencing of numerous genomes, and subsequent identification of the genes and their protein products, there is a renewed emphasis on studying the proteome, and the conference brought together academic and industry proteomics experts from both biology and computation. The 13 talks and a panel discussion were webcast live and are now available for on-demand viewing in streaming video. [Windows Media player and broadband connection required; for any trouble viewing the videos, click here for troubleshooting instructions .] 

Nuno Bandeira
Nuno Bandeira, UCSD Center for Computational Mass Spectrometry and Calit2 Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology
Length: 07:23 [video]
John Yates III
Opening Lecture
Driving Biological Discovery Using Quantitative Mass Spectrometry
John Yates III, The Scripps Research Institute
Length: 33:00 [video]
Ansgar Brock
Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry for Structural Genomics
Ansgar Brock, Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation
Length: 31:15 [video]
Zhouxin Shen
Quantitative Global Proteome and Phosphoproteome Profiling of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Before and After Differentiation
Zhouxin Shen, UC San Diego
Length: 35:04 [video]
Vineet Bafna
Proteogenomics: Using Proteomic Data for Gene Annotation
Vineet Bafna, UC San Diego
Length: 33:10 [video]
Jing Wei
Proteomics Platform for Biomarkers Discovery at Biogen Idec
Jing Wei, Biogen Idec
Length: 40:36 [video]
Pieter Dorrestein
Post-Translational Modifications of Therapeutics and Toxins
Pieter Dorrestein, UC San Diego
Length: 26:51 [video]
Jan Schnitzer
Speeding Up Target Discovery and Validation through 'Organellar Proteomic Imaging' In Vivo : A Drug Delivery System
Jan Schnitzer, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center
Length: 34:07 [video]
Nuno Bandeira
E Pluribus Unum: Revelations from Tandem Mass Spectra of Overlapping Peptides
Nuno Bandeira, UCSD Center for Computational Mass Spectrometry and Calit2 Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology
Length: 30:10 [video]
Kian Kani
Poster Talk 1
Proteomic Identification of Therapeutic Response Biomarkers in A431 Tissue
Kian Kani, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Length: 12:27 [video]
Michael T. Sykes
Poster Talk 2
Measuring Ribo-Proteome Pool Sizes by Quantitative Isotope Pulsemass Spectrometry
Michael T. Sykes, The Scripps Research Institute
Length: 11:41 [video]
Huilin Zhou
Experimental Approaches to Proteomics
Huilin Zhou, Ludwig Center for Cancer Research
Length: 30:19 [video]
Gary Siuzdak
Closing Lecture
Metabolomics: Clinical Diagnostics and Discovery from Solution and Surfaces
Gary Siuzdak, Scripps Center for Mass Spectrometry
Length:  40:07 [video]
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion
Pavel Pevzner, UCSD (moderator); Jing Wei, Biogen Idec;
Marshall Pope, Invitrogen; Parag Mallick, UCLA & Cedars-Sinai Medical Center; Jan Schnitzer, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center
Length: 1:08:56 [video]

Related Links
La Jolla Proteomics Conference 2008
Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology