MerbCamp: Streaming Video Now Available On-Demand

By Alex Matthews

San Diego, October 26, 2008 -- Calit2 at UC San Diego recently hosted the first-ever MerbCamp -- a grass-roots gathering of software developers who are using the new Merb web application framework. Merb, like Ruby on Rails, is based on the Ruby language, and is intended for more advanced web applications. The two-day MerbCamp combined keynote talks from the creators of Merb with group coding sessions and impromptu talks by attendees. The sessions were webcast live from Atkinson Hall on the UC San Diego campus, and they are now available for on-demand viewing. [Windows Media player and broadband connection required; for any trouble viewing the videos,  click here for troubleshooting instructions .] For a primer on Merb and what it's all about, read the web article by Tiffany Fox. To watch individual talks, click on the image or Web link below.

Merb Camp Intro
Length: 06:12 [video]
Ezra Zygmuntowicz
Ezra Zygmuntowicz
Length: 38:18 [video]
Carl Lerche
Merb plumbing: The router
Carl Lerche
Length: 26:03 [video]
Daniel Neighman
MerbSlices: Total Killer
Daniel Neighman
Length: 25:40 [video]
Yehuda Katz
Testing Merb applications
Yehuda Katz
Length: 22:33 [video]
Daniel Neighman
MerbAuth: Darwinian authentication
Daniel Neighman
Length: 35:52 [video]
Brock Whitten
Damage control: A primer on Merb
Brock Whitten
Length: 19:50 [video]
Ben Burkert
Keep a hot cache with merb-cache
Ben Burkert
Length: 34:11 [video]
Wesley Beary
Using multiple databases in Merb: with special guest CouchDB
Wesley Beary
Length: 11:04 [video]
Matt Aimonetti
DataMapper: the Ruby ORM that kicks butt and takes names
Matt Aimonetti
Length: 35:27 [video]
Lori Holden Merb and Sequel
Lori Holden
Length: 13:28 [video]
Yehuda Katz
jQuery on Merb
Yehuda Katz
Length: 28:44 [video]
Lindsay Holmwood
Deploying a Merb app
Lindsay Holmwood
Length: 23:55 [video]
Collin T Miller
Real time web apps with Orbited and Merb
Collin T Miller
Length: 15:29 [video]
Matt Aimonetti
Writing a Merb plugin 101
Matt Aimonetti
Length: 25:03 [video]
Edward O'Connor
Learning from Django
Edward O'Connor
Length: 26:23 [video]
Rob Kaufman
Driven Merb: A user story
Rob Kaufman
Length: 26:02 [video]
Merb Panel
From Rails to Merb (Merb team panel)
Various Speakers
Length: 1:05:46 [video]
Matt Todd
Expanding our idea of the background web with Merb
Matt Todd
Length: 23:27 [video]
Yehuda Katz
Yehuda Katz
Lambda OpticalSystems
Length: 39:42 [video]