By Alex Matthews
San Diego, CA, April 2, 2008 -- Missed the 2009 Information Theory and Applications Workshop at Calit2? If you weren't among the more than 500 people from around the world who crowded into Atkinson Hall and UCSD's Computer Science and Engineering Building for the week-long conference, there is an opportunity to catch up on some of the highlights.
In collaboration with the UCSD Division of Calit2, where it is based, the Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Center is opening up the webcast archive of talks recorded and replayed with permission of the speakers. (Names of presenters are in bold italics.) Archived webcasts of select panels and talks are now available for on-demand viewing [Windows Media Player and broadband connection required; click for information on the latest version, and on players for Mac and Linux users ]. To watch each video, click on the image or highlighted video link.
Open issues on the statistical spectrum characterization of random Vandermonde matrices
M. Debbah , O. Ryan, and G. Alfano Length: 7:20 [video] |
Game theory, information theory, and random matrix theory: An ever closer union
N. Marina , Z. Han, M. Debbah, and A. Hjorungnes Length: 8:14 [video] |
Construction of polar codes with large exponent
S.B. Korada, E. Sasoglu, and R. Urbanke Length: 9:29 [video] |
Relief: Information Therapy
Ruediger Urbanke , EPFL Length: 52:08 [video]
Informationally-Decentralized Decision Making in Dynamic Multi-Hop Wireless Networks for Real-time Multimedia Streaming H.-P. Shiang Length: 22:31 [video] |
Delay-efficient control policies for wireless networks Gagan Raj Gupta, Purdue, and Ness B Shroff, OSU Length: 20:36 [video] |
Interference and outage in clustered wireless networks Radhakrishna Ganti , Notre Dame Length: 23:29 [video] |
Transmission capacity of SDMA wireless ad hoc networks Marios Kountouris and Jeffrey G. Andrews, The University of Texas at Austin Length: 25:24 [video] |
Transmission and resource management strategies for (bi-directional) relay-assisted wireless communications Min Chen and Aylin Yener, Penn State Length: 22:00 [video] |
Blind detection of high rate generalized space-time block codes Muhammad Zia and Zhi Ding, UC Davis Length: 24:05 [video] |
Channel state feedback over the MIMO-MAC K. Raj Kumar and Giuseppe Caire, USC Length: 25:15 [video] |
Operational Duality between Lossy Compression and Channel Coding: Channel Decoders as Lossy Compressors Ankit Gupta and Sergio Verdu, Princeton Length: 14:21 [video] |
Algebraic structures for distributed source coding |
Exploiting interference through structured codes Bobak Nazer , UC Berkeley Length: 24:10 [video] |
Panel discussion: On Funding
Chair Ramesh Rao , Calit2 UCSD Robert Bonneau, AFOSR and Sampath Kannan, NSF Length: 43:12 [video] |
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