First International Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications

By Anna Lynn Spitzer

The Palace Bridge
The Palace Bridge, over the Neva River, in St. Petersburg

circuitsDate: June 26-28, 2002

Location: St. Petersburg, Russia

Dr. Rui de Figueiredo, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Irvine, is the Co-Chair of the First International Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications, to be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, June 26-28, 2002. Cal(IT)² will be one of the technical co-sponsors of the event, along with the primary sponsors St. Petersburg State Technical University and Nokia. Other technical sponsors are three IEEE societies, namely the Circuits and Systems Society, Communications Society, and Neural Networks Society, as well as Philips/Eidhoven. The organizing committee includes representatives from the California-based companies Conexant, Quicksilver Technology, and Agere Systems.

The conference is based on the observation that extending communication technologies to broadband services will stimulate and require the development of new types of circuits and systems oriented toward the realization of low-cost, low-voltage, and portable communication devices. The session topics will include, for example, mixed analog/digital systems, signal processing and implementation, and microelectronic realization and manufacturing.

Dr. de Figueiredo is also director of the Laboratory for Machine Intelligence and Neural and Soft Computing at UCI. For more information on the conference, see

Co-sponsored by Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UCI and Calit²

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