Computer Game Development

 Computer Game Development Computer Game Development

Date: Friday, June 14, 2002

Time: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Location: Computer Science building, Room 364, UCI (directions and parking information)

On Friday, June 14 UC Irvine students will showcase computer games they have created in a course on "Computer Game Development" in the Department of Information and Computer Science. The course professor, Dr. Daniel Frost, is a member of the computer gaming group that works under the auspices of Calit&sup2.

The open house will be held from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM in the Computer Science building, Room 364. Computer game industry representatives have been invited, and all interested persons are welcome.

The course teaches the students to integrate concepts in computer graphics, software engineering, art, music and sound, and artificial intelligence. Each team of students had to review the literature on game design, prepare a summary design document or prospectus for their intended game, prepare a user's manual, and develop all the software code. Demonstrating the game in operation is the final part of the project.

Dr. Frost also teaches courses on artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and software engineering. He has published several research articles on algorithms for using constraints in artificial intelligence.

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