Contingent from UCSD Takes the Stage at TEDx San Diego

By Tiffany Fox, (858) 246-0353,

San Diego, Calif., Dec. 9, 2011 — If TED Talks are all about “Ideas Worth Spreading,” then the University of California, San Diego — the most well-represented institution at TEDx San Diego — is clearly fertile ground for those ideas to take seed, flourish and grow.
Tony Haymet
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Director Tony Haymet is pictured here speaking at the 2010 TEDx San Diego. He was asked to return for the second annual event to give a talk on tracking carbon emissions.

TEDx San Diego is an independently organized, official spin-off of the popular TED Conference, which takes place annually in Long Beach, Calif., and gets its name from its focus on technology, entertainment and design. TED invites the world’s leading thinkers and doers to speak for 18 minutes and then makes those talks available, at no cost, via Past TED speakers have included Bill Gates, Al Gore, Jane Goodall, Elizabeth Gilbert and Sir Richard Branson, to name a few.

Four of the 26 speakers at the Dec. 3 TEDx San Diego event hailed from UCSD, including Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) Director Tony Haymet, SIO Distinguished Professor Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Professor James Fowler of the UCSD School of Medicine and the Division of Social Sciences and UCSD MyLab Founder Saura Naderi. All four speakers are also affiliated with the UCSD division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2).
Prof. Veerabhadran Ramanathan spoke about his efforts to mitigate global warming and improve the health of women and families around the world through Project Surya.

Other notable speakers at the second annual TEDx San Diego included actor and founder of the Dreyfuss Initiative Richard Dreyfuss, life coach and writer Martha Beck, and best-selling author and filmmaker Amy Krouse Rosenthal.

 The young, wired and inspired turned out in full-force for the event, filling the 534-seat Irwin M. Jacobs Qualcomm Hall in Sorrento Valley to maximum capacity and at one point bringing down the wireless giant’s in-house wi-fi service with their laptops and smartphones. The event boasted its own mobile app and was broadcast in real-time via webcast and live social media updates, and a number of the talks tapped into the most cutting-edge technological trends in aeronautics, marine biology, medicine, computer science and engineering.

But TEDx San Diego also had a distinctly low-tech slant. Soon after the wi-fi outage, attendees were asked to “be present” throughout the day, to power off their phones and, in the words of TEDx San Diego founder Jack Abbott, “to reflect, engage and question.” Rather than being encouraged to Tweet their observations, attendees were given bright red journals, and from the stage, graphic artist Jeannel King recorded the talks in real-time with good old fashioned ink-on-paper. Event sponsor Sharp HealthCare offered Qigong instruction during breaks between presentations that included self-help messaging by “horse whisperer” Koelle Simpson, a classical music performance by the Los Angeles Philharmonic’s Robert Gupta and a lesson in cultivating the intuition via “technologies of magic” by Martha Beck. 
James Fowler
Professor James Fowler of the UCSD School of Medicine and the Division of Social Sciences (shown here at the 2010 TEDx San Diego) was also asked to return to this year to give a follow-up talk about the power of social networks.

The theme for this year’s TEDx San Diego was “The World in Our Grasp” which was inspired in part by the words of English author Colin Wilson: “The mind has exactly the same power as the hands; not merely to grasp the world, but to change it.” Speakers addressed four themes relevant to this idea, including how change begins with the self, extends out to the community and eventually becomes a global phenomenon.

Prof. Ramanathan of UCSD, who is a member of various prestigious science academies, discussed his efforts to mitigate global warming and improve the health of women and families around the world through Project Surya, an initiative to introduce cleaner cooking technologies to underdeveloped regions and simultaneously measure health and climate outcomes.

Naderi, an alumna of the UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering, talked about her passion for introducing engineering skills to disadvantaged and underrepresented students through hands-on projects that are not just practical, but fun.

“Apparently when you package the hard stuff with the fun stuff you get a win-win situation,” said Naderi, who wore an electronic sign of her own creation during the performance. “Kids having fun while learning! It's like flavored cough syrup.”

Saura Naderi
Saura Naderi presented a talk on introducing engineering skills to disadvantaged and underrepresented students.
A fourth session, titled “Seeds of Change,” brought back speakers from the previous year’s event, including Professors Haymet and Fowler. Prof. Haymet, who is also the co-founder of CleanTECH San Diego, imagined a world where one could “run the weather backward” and not only see carbon emissions, but also see where they were coming from.

Prof. Fowler, an expert on social networks and behavioral economics, revisited some of the data he had collected at the 2010 TEDx San Diego to measure how speakers and participants at the event connected via Twitter. In a nod to Mahatma Gandhi, Fowler urged the attendees to “be the change you wish to see in your networks.”

All 26 TEDx San Diego talks will eventually be available for viewing at To see a flickr feed from the event, go to:

Media Contacts

Tiffany Fox, (858) 246-0353,

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TEDx San Diego