California Institute and Foundation Join Forces to Create Institute for Future Objects

San Diego, April 1, 2013  -- The California Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) has partnered with the Deridet Foundation to build the Institute for Future Objects (InFO) on the University of California, San Diego campus.

OptIPortable InFO visualization wall at Calit2
(Photo courtesy the Deridet Foundation)
Officials from InFO believe that experimental physicist Sumus Deridet’s visionary ideas about traversable wormholes and time bending complement Calit2’s "institutional innovations" and new forms of visualization and virtual reality using its unique laboratories and space to house multidisciplinary collaborations.

In line with Dr. Deridet’s vision, the new center will be tasked with an imperative to advance the applied applications of closed time-like loops and wormholes. “With our cutting-edge facilities at Calit2, we are researching traversable wormholes for real-world applications,” said a senior Calit2 official. “At InFO, scientists, engineers and artists will be developing technology that is literally light-years ahead of current standards.”

InFO’s creation and manipulation of wormholes in tightly-controlled environments, known as ‘quantum containers,’ is already yielding conclusive results. “We are approaching wormholes as if they were communication channels with enormous bandwidth,” said Dr. Reginald Moy, Head Research Scientist at InFO, who leads a large team of researchers at the Calit2 location. “Even very small, nano-scale wormholes enjoy extremely broad bandwidth. The problem is that mass collapses wormholes. People often forget that light, even though it has no mass, causes space to bend. This suggested to us that it is more economical to send the light or projection of an object down a channel rather than the object itself. In this way we can extract the light of future objects through a wormhole that we can witness in the present. In simple terms, this means that we can see the future even if we cannot touch it yet.”

In addition to seeing the future, InFO researchers have demonstrated how future light bends around, forming a loop. According to Dr. Moy, this has amazing potential for real-world applications. “The light from future objects can time-loop,” he explained. “When circulating light beams are slowed in the ultra-cold conditions of our quantum containers, time runs round and round creating a closed time-like loop. As a consequence, we demonstrated light time travel conclusively, and in the process we have created the ultimate perpetual motion machine!”

InFO is now researching and developing infrastructure to harness the energy generated from these so-called ‘future light object time loops’ (FLOTLs). Experts at Calit2 believe that FLOTLs could eventually provide free energy worldwide.

“We are opening an innovative new channel of communications between research and the public display of future objects,” added Rufus Sodgrass, Founding Director of the Museum of Future Objects. “InFO is the research hub and MoFO is the public platform for showcasing the extraordinary outcomes of interdisciplinary collaboration.”

MoFO’s primary agenda is to put Dr. Sumus Deridet’s challenging theories into practice. The museum will showcase his diverse, multi-faceted collections of art and visual culture. A highlight of the permanent collection is an extensive archive of perpetual-motion machines conceived and designed across times, places and cultures. Rather than simply collecting and preserving artifacts, the museum’s unique mission – summarized in its motto, Futurity in Perpetuity – involves deploying the future time-looped objects simultaneously for exhibition and collection of energy generated by their animation within quantum containers. MoFO aspires to radically transform how museums relate to exhibition and conservation through the augmentation of gallery environments.

“We are excited by the prospect of working closely with researchers at Calit2 to identify and advance innovative solutions for the distinctive challenges that we have set for the new museum,” said MoFO’s Sodgrass. “I have no doubt that by working with leading-edge innovators in academia, the museum sector and technology industries globally, that our ambitions for MoFO will become a reality in the not-too-distant future.”

The site of the museum has been identified and an architectural brief will be announced shortly. MoFO is scheduled to open in 2016. MoFO is currently exhibiting prototype FLOTLs at pop-up museums globally. Our first pop-up is at the Museums and the Web 2013 conference in Portland, OR on April 18-20. 

Media Contacts

Doug Ramsey, 858-822-5825, or Lizbeth Troy, MoFO, 

Related Links

Institute for Future Objects (InFO)
Museum of Future Objects (MoFO)