By Anna Lynn Spitzer
Irvine, CA, June 28th, 2013 -- A delegation from Taiwan’s National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs) visited Calit2 yesterday on a fact-finding mission. Irvine division director G.P. Li escorted five research scientists and the group’s international affairs coordinator through CalPlug, the eHealth Collaboratory and the Microscopy Center during their stopover at UC Irvine.
NARLabs is an umbrella organization that encompasses 11 national laboratories in three fields: information and communications technology, biomedical technology and integrated disaster prediction and warning systems. The group is dedicated to providing solutions to society’s future problems.
NARLab President Liang-Gee Chen, Vice President Jen-Inn Chyi and three division directors requested the tour so they could “observe and learn the latest information communication technology, R&D trends and technology transfer mechanisms” as well as to view the Calit2 “innovation ecosystem and to explore further connections and collaborations.”
Li said the group is particularly interested in better understanding Calit2’s technology transfer process, which moves university research to the commercial marketplace. “They are impressed with what they called our ‘highly coupled approach’ to integrating research and development into real-world applications and commercial markets,” he said. “They believe we have a well-positioned ecosystem for spinning out companies, and they would like to be able to set up a similar system in Taiwan."