UCSD Extension Teams with Calit2

2.18.03 - "We see UCSD Extension as the continuing education arm of Calit²'s UCSD Division," says director Larry Smarr, "and a mechanism to help us get the word out about the technology we're developing and prototyping."

"The complement from Extension's perspective," adds Tracie Monk, director of Extension's Computing and Networking Technologies' division, "is that we will use technology central to the mission of Calit², thereby 'extending' Extension's already broad offerings. We believe this partnership will team faculty and industrial practitioners in a powerful way that will enable staff from San Diego's growth companies to keep their skills current with the latest that technology has to offer."

The two organizations have agreed to co-brand Extension classes relevant to Calit²'s mission. The first such offerings are:

  • An intensive class "BREW™ Software Development" focusing on QUALCOMM's Binary Run-time Environment for Wireless, with classes March 11, April 2, and May 13 taught by Judy Worrell. Worrell is CTO of Technology Development Associates and has 35 years experience architecting, developing, and deploying enterprise client/server solutions, online transaction processing systems, and decision-support solutions.
  • A four-week class "Wireless LANs: Security and Deployments," starting May 14, taught by Lee Barken, a network security specialist and co-founder of the San Diego Wireless Users Group.

A third class, "Data Mining for Scientific Applications," is planned to start May 13 and will be taught by Dr. Natasha Balac. Plans call for development of "hybrid" versions of this and other courses that will feature a mix of intensive multi-day classroom work with online coursework via the Web. This new format will enable participation by larger audiences, both within and outside the San Diego area.

This partnership also has an unusual business model: Anyone who signs up for the co-branded Extension classes through Calit² will be eligible for a discount on class fees by submitting a "voucher". The voucher is available online for you to download and print.

Monk will be interviewed on the radio on the topic of "UCSD's Role as a Critical Enabler of San Diego's Workforce" on Inside Business (KCEO AM 1000) February 20, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m., which will be accessible via the Web at www.businessonair.com/new/sampleshows.asp.

For more information on Calit² co-branded courses, see Extension's Web site: extension.ucsd.edu/cnt.