Irvine, March 11, 2015 — Members of CENIC (Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California) visited UC Irvine Tuesday to tour Calit2 and learn about the institute and its cutting-edge research.
Several dozen members of the California research and education community viewed demonstrations by:
Center for Networks and Relational Analysis
eHealth Collaboratory
Musculoskeletal Dance Science Research Laboratory Science and Health in Artistic Performance
Micro/Nano Fluidics
BiON (Bio-Organic Nanofabrication Facility)
Microscopy – Lexi Laboratory, Visualization Lab
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CENIC is a nonprofit organization that works to advance education and research statewide by providing the network essential. ICENIC designs, implements, and operates CalREN, the California Research and Education Network, a high-bandwidth, high-capacity Internet network designed to meet the unique requirements of more than 20 million users, including the majority of K-20 students together with educators, researchers and other vital public-serving institutions.
CalPlug staff member Linyi Xia (left) and Ph.D student, Xiao Wang (right) describe ongoing research at CalPlug. The research center addresses challenges in plug load efficiency for both residential and commercial buildings by collaborating closely with utilities, manufacturers, advocacy groups, research institutions, and energy policy makers.
(Left) Prof. Kelli Sharp, at Musculoskeletal Dance Science Research Laboratory Science & Health in Artistic Performance, demonstrates biomechanical analysis of dance on the musculoskeletal system. (Right) Prof. Aditi Majumder gives a tour of the Visualization Lab and next-generation, life-size, multi-user displays.
(Left) NCASD (Center for Networks Relational Analysis) student showcases current and ongoing research activities. The center supports interdisciplinary research and training relating to the study of network structure and the analysis of relational systems. (Right) Visitors tour the Laboratory for Electron and X-ray Instrumentation (LEXI), a university-wide shared user facility, focusing on the investigation of crystal structure, surface topography, materials microstructure and chemical microanalysis.