North American IPv6 Summit to Meet in San Diego, June 23-27

This year, the North American IPv6 Global Summit will take place in San Diego. For more information, visit

5.21.03 - The IPv6 Forum has announced that the next North American IPv6 Global Summit will be held June 24-27, 2003 in San Diego, CA, at San Diego State University. This technology deployment summit will focus on progress and initiatives for initial deployment of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), illustrated by business and technology models. IPv6, the Next Generation Internet, preserves everything that's good about today's Internet, and adds much more: practically unlimited IP address space, stateless auto-configuration, mobile user support, mandatory security and many other enhancing features.

This year, the North American IPv6 Summit will surpass previous IPv6 Forum events in highlighting North America's crucial role in participating in worldwide deployment of IPv6. In particular, the conference keynote from John Osterholz, director of Architecture and Interoperability in the U.S. Department of Defense, and the industry keynote from Next Generation Internet advocate, Mr. Jawad Khaki, Corporate Vice President at Microsoft, are expected to set IPv6 on the launch pad.

Speakers at the summit in San Diego will address the major achievements of the North American IPv6 Task Force, formed in July of 2001, and the IPv6 Forum in winning support from industry and government in the US. Progress on IPv6 deployment in Europe and Asia will also be covered, including updates from the European Commission IPv6 Task Force, the Japan IPv6 Promotion Council and the collective Asia Pacific IPv6 initiatives.

"IPv6 is the core technology that will transition the planet Earth to 21st century communications using the Internet and specifically with wireless mobile IPv6 devices," said Jim Bound, Chair of IPv6 Forum Technical Directorate and Chair of the North American IPv6 Task Force. "We believe the IPv6 Summit in San Diego provides the best single opportunity for the North American community to learn about the latest global developments in IPv6 technology."

"Internet ubiquity and end-to-end transparency are dual large-scale benefits worth the investment to enable Internet for everyone and everything," said Latif Ladid, IPv6 Forum President. "The IPv6 design is a major fix and everyone is clearly called upon to make it happen."

To register for the North American IPv6 Summit conference or for more information, please visit the North American IPv6 Summit website at

About the IPv6 Forum

The IPv6 Forum is a world-wide consortium of over 150 leading Internet service vendors, National Research & Education Networks (NRENs) and international ISPs, with a clear mission to promote IPv6 by improving market and user awareness, creating a quality and secure Next Generation Internet and allowing world-wide equitable access to knowledge and technology. The key focus of the IPv6 Forum today is to provide technical guidance for the deployment of IPv6. IPv6 Summits are organized by the IPv6 Forum and staged in various locations around the world to provide industry and market with the best available information on this rapidly advancing technology. See for more information.

About the North American IPv6 Task Force

The North American IPv6 Task Force is an all-volunteer non-vendor/service/provider or other entity interest with the IPv6 mission of assisting the North American geography as sub task force of the IPv6 Forum for Deployment, Education, Awareness, Technical Analysis/Direction, Transition Analysis, Political/Business/Economic/Social analysis support, and other efforts as required.

*This article is a reprint of the one that appeared in the SDSC/NPACI electronic publication "Online,"