Calit², San Diego State University Field Station Programs (SDSU-FSP), and the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) are co-sponsoring a workshop February 7 to develop an integrated plan for remote wildlife and water monitoring at the Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve (SMER), one of four ecological reserves managed by SDSU. The plan will be codified in a brief technical design paper to develop an experimental sensor network at the reserve and secure extramural funding. This workshop is being organized by
The workshop will be held at the SMER.
This event is planned as the first of a series of SMER workshops. Plans for at least two additional workshops are being developed. They will focus on cutting-edge sensor technologies/ private sector partnerships, and education and outreach to potential users of a SMER sensornet.
To keep the group focused on achieving the objectives outlined above, participation will be by invitation only. Wildlife and water researchers are asked to select potential sensors, come with information on the sensors' technical specifications, and identify proposed deployment locations at SMER.
Areas of expertise likely to be represented at the workshop include the following:
Wildlife Monitoring
Water Issues
Information Technology and Networking
For more information, please contact Pablo Bryant,
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