QUALCOMM CEO Jacobs to Discuss Mobile Communications Revolution

Dr. Irwin Jacobs
Dr. Irwin Jacobs

August 13, 2004 -- Calit² partner Dr. Irwin Jacobs will address the topic of the revolution in mobile communications at a San Diego Telecom Council meeting set for September 14 (5:00-7:30 PM at the La Jolla Marriott). Co-founder, chairman, and CEO of QUALCOMM, Jacobs will discuss how mobile communications has evolved from an expensive and localized workforce tool with only a few vendors offering products into a global, mass market phenomenon with new consumer electronics vendors joining traditional cell phone manufacturers in the field.

He will discuss the latest developments, from location services and multi-megapixel cameras, to amazing applications, and even digital video - all in the subscriber's phone. What were separate products are becoming features, supported by services an increasing number of users can't live without! Jacobs is also well known for showcasing technology from QUALCOMM during his presentations, so come see their latest offering. Jacobs will be joined on stage by renowned wireless analyst Andy Seybold.

For more information and to register for the event, see http://www.sdtelecom.org/events.