Computational Science Seminar

An Open Grid Services Architecture

Presenter: Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago

Date: February 28, 2002

Time: 4:00pm

Location: San Diego SuperComputer Center (SDSC)

Abstract: In both e-business and e-science, we often need to integrate services across distributed, heterogeneous, dynamic "virtual organizations" formed from the disparate resources within a single enterprise and/or via external resource sharing and service provider relationships. This integration can be technically challenging due to the need to achieve various qualities of service when running on top of different native platforms. We present an Open Grid Services Architecture that addresses these challenges. Building on concepts and technologies from the Grid and Web services communities, this architecture defines a uniform exposed service semantics (the Grid service); defines standard mechanisms for creating and discovering transient Grid service instances; provides location transparency and multiple binding protocols for service instances; and supports mapping services for integration with underlying native platform facilities. The Open Grid Service Architecture defines, in terms of Web Services Description Language interfaces, mechanisms required for creating and composing sophisticated distributed systems, including lifetime management, reliable remote invocation, change management, credential management, and notification. Our presentation describes how Globus Toolkit mechanisms can be used to implement a service oriented architecture, explains how Grid functionality can be incorporated into a Web services framework, and illustrates how our architecture can be applied within commercial computing as a basis for distributed system integration--within and across organizational domains.

Bio: Dr. Ian Foster is Senior Scientist and Associate Director of the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago, and Senior Fellow in the Argonne/U.Chicago Computation Institute. He currently co-leads the Globus project with Dr. Carl Kesselman of USC/ISI as well as a number of other major Grid initiatives, including the DOE-funded Earth System Grid and the NSF-funded GriPhyN and GRIDS Center projects. He co-edited the book "The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure."

Co-sponsored by Calit² and SDSC

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