California Institutions Partner on Futuristic 3-D Centers for Scientific Visualization and Crisis Management

Pan DisplayCalifornia Institutions Unveil First Optical Network Linking High-Resolution Visualization Centers For Earth, Ocean Sciences, and Homeland Security

New Visualization Center Dedicated at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

San Diego, March 4-Two leading California universities, a California Institute for Science and Innovation, and four California-based companies today unveiled the world's first visualization complex dedicated to Earth and ocean sciences, linking wide-screen, "immersive" environments over a 2.5 gigabit-per-second optical network. The group also dedicated a permanent Visualization Center at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), linked to a similar facility at San Diego State University (SDSU) through 44 miles of optical fiber, with optical switches and 3.2-million-pixel screens at each end.

The universities, together with the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology [Calit²], are creating a prototype for collaborative scientific analysis that could also be used as a "command-and-control" facility for crisis management. "Analysis facilities for complex scientific data sets can also serve as prototypes for real-time analysis of the environment or the health of civil infrastructure during and after natural or man-made disasters, if they are engineered with this dual use in mind," said Larry Smarr, director of Calit² and a professor of computer science and engineering at UCSD's Jacobs School of Engineering. "This is the first phase of our plan to build such 'living laboratories' in southern California."

The optically-networked visualization centers allow groups of researchers at both locations to collaborate in real-time on large data sets in the form of 3-D images projected on high-resolution wall-sized screens. Initially, teams at both universities will share data and collaborate on analyzing seismic and climate studies for the High Tech Coast (from Santa Barbara to San Diego); the interior structure of Earth, including its oceans and atmosphere; the variability in California's water supply; fault-related deformation as seen from space; the structure and dynamics of coastlines; and the impact of global warming on Earth's climate.

The new Calit² Visualization Center at Scripps is located at Scripps' Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) in La Jolla. It is anchored by a large curved screen and 3-D projection system, built by Panoram Technologies, Inc., and powered by an SGI® Onyx® 3400 visualization system. "The Visualization Center at Scripps takes our ability to visualize and understand huge environmental and other data sets to a new level," says John Orcutt, IGPP's director and a professor of geophysics at Scripps. "Multiple researchers will now be able to collaborate in a whole new way-thanks to the huge screen and 3-D graphics that can immerse a roomful of viewers into a virtual environment, letting them share data in a way not possible until now." Orcutt sees the centers as a potential prototype for a network of command-and-control centers to deal with crisis management and public safety during natural or civic disasters, displaying data and images from cameras and other sensors in the field.

The Scripps center is connected to SDSU's Center for Immersive Telecommunications for Global Exchange (C IT Global E) by optical fiber and services furnished by Cox Communications, Inc. (NYSE:COX). The optical switches at both ends are supplied by TeraBurst Networks, Inc. All four companies are industry partners of Calit², a joint venture of UCSD and UC Irvine, and the link is routed through a network access point at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) on the UCSD campus. SDSC will both support and use the Visualization Center, providing support for analysis of large geographic data sets by its Data and Knowledge Group.

"This technology will empower researchers, urban planners and others to analyze satellite imagery, seismic hazards, bridge structures under stress and other 3-D data sets and collaborate more effectively for the public good," said Thomas Scott, Dean of SDSU's College of Sciences. "We see this link across San Diego eventually expanding across California-and someday the world."

The Visualization Center at Scripps is built around a Panoram® GVR-120E curved floor-to-ceiling screen (8'6"X28'4") featuring 3.2 megapixel resolution (3,276,800 pixels). The "immersive" environment is ideal for groups of up to 60 people who can view the same large-format images at the same time. "We are talking about at least
twenty times the bandwidth of network television," says Theo Mayer, President and CEO of Panoram Technologies. "A system like this one will change the way scientific visualization is done, just as it already has changed the working methods and cultures of industries such as oil/gas and aerospace that use high-resolution computer imaging and modeling." The system is equipped with transmitters and LCD shutter glasses which permit stereographic 3-D viewing of high-resolution images. The three projectors use advanced technology to automatically blend the edges where their video outputs meet.

The SGI Onyx 3400 technology driving the system is equipped with InfiniteReality3™ graphics and 16 processors. "SGI is pioneering Visual Area Networking, and the Cal(IT)2 project demonstrates how these systems provide the infrastructure for collaborative, group decision-making environments," says Jan Silverman, the company's Senior VP, Marketing. "No other company can offer large systems with advanced visualization capability to geographically distributed audiences, whether they are distant company offices sharing images over the Internet, scientists or workers in remote field settings or command-and-control centers of the type implemented at Scripps."

For the first time ever, two immersive visualization centers will be able to share wall-to-wall images in real time. The Visualization Center at Scripps is linked to SDSU's facility via high-bandwidth optical fiber installed by Cox Communications. "Education has always been a cornerstone of Cox Communications outreach, so we are delighted to be linking San Diego's two premier academic institutions," states Steve Gautereaux, VP of Network Management for Cox Communications. "Our company is a leader in broadband communications, and these wide-screen environments at UCSD and SDSU underscore the growing need of, and benefits from, the fiber optic-based network we have developed."

The massive amount of data to be transmitted instantaneously between the two centers requires a new type of high-performance, optical networking platform. TeraBurst Networks developed WAVS (Wide Area Visualization Solution) to address that need. WAVS is based on high-bandwidth technology that is capable of aggregating video, audio and LAN data into optics and connecting disparate locations at data rates required
for real-time collaboration. "We are excited to be part of this unique effort to connect two separate immersive environments, bringing them into a virtual space that will expedite collaboration and decisions," says TeraBurst chief operating officer Tom Myers. "It is currently the only solution of its kind that will allow video, audio and data to be transmitted simultaneously over the wide area optical network to multiple, remote centers focused on immersive visualization for several disciplines-including Earth sciences, telemedicine, astronomy, oil and gas, manufacturing and energy."

About Scripps
Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, is one of the oldest, largest, and most important centers for global science research and graduate training in the world. The scientific scope of the institution has grown since its founding in 1903. A century of Scripps science has had an invaluable impact on oceanography, on understanding of the earth, and on society. More than 300 research programs are under way today in a wide range of scientific areas. Scripps operates one of the largest U.S. academic fleets with four oceanographic research ships and one research platform for worldwide exploration. Now plunging boldly into the 21st century, Scripps will celebrate its centennial in 2003. To learn more about Scripps, visit For Scripps News:

About IGPP
The Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics is located in La Jolla and is linked to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UCSD through joint faculty appointments, research interests, and shared facilities. Other IGPP branches can be found at the Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, Irvine, and Riverside campuses and at the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. IGPP research in La Jolla covers many fields including global seismology, marine seismology and geodesy, nonlinear dynamics, sea floor electromagnetic sounding, geodesy including satellite geodesy, geophysical inverse methods, acoustical oceanography, marine acoustics, planetary physics, and physical oceanography. For more, visit

About Calit²
The California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology is one of four institutes funded through the California Institutes for Science and Innovation (CISI) initiative. Created in late 2000 by Gov. Gray Davis, CISI aims to ensure that California maintain its leadership in cutting-edge technologies. As part of CISI, the mission of Calit² is to extend the reach of the current information infrastructure throughout the physical world-enabling anywhere/anytime access to the Internet. More than 220 professors and senior researchers from UC Irvine and UC San Diego and over 50 industrial partners are collaborating on interdisciplinary projects. For more, go to

About SDSU/C IT Global E
With over 34,000 students, San Diego State University is the second-largest university in California. Last year SDSU attracted more than $124 million to fund research and administer contracts. The University now offers bachelor's degrees in 78 areas, master's in 61, and doctorates in 14. For more, visit The Center for Immersive Telecommunications for Global Exchange is located in the College of Sciences' Chemical Sciences Laboratory and is located on the SDSU campus in the TeraBurst Optical Networking Center. The Center was dedicated in January 2002, and is utilized by departments from across the College and University.

About Cox Communications
Cox Communications, Inc., (NYSE: COX) a Fortune 500 company, serves approximately 6.2 million customers nationwide, making it the nation's fifth largest cable television company. A full-service provider of telecommunications products, Cox Communications offers Cox Cable, Cox Digital Cable, Cox Digital Telephone, Cox High Speed Internet, Road Runner, and Cox Express as well as commercial voice and data services via Cox Business Services. In San Diego, Cox Communications serves 530,000 customers and employs 2,300 individuals countywide. To date, the company has deployed over 70,000 glass miles of fiber optic cable in San Diego County. More information can be accessed at

About Panoram Technologies
Sun Valley, Calif.-based Panoram Technologies, Inc. manufactures advanced extreme-resolution display systems for facilities, workgroup and desktop applications. Panoram's display systems create collaborative visualization environments that are enabling project teams to achieve unprecedented levels of productivity and effectiveness. Panoram visualization systems are currently being used throughout the world for oil and gas exploration, military and government applications, architectural/product/graphic design and multimedia production. For more information, visit .

About SGI
Celebrating its 20th year, SGI (NYSE: SGI), also known as Silicon Graphics, is the world's leading provider of high-performance computing, complex data management and visualization products, services and solutions that enable its technical and creative customers to gain strategic and competitive advantages in their core businesses. Whether being used to design and build safer cars and airplanes, discover new medications and oil reserves, predict the weather, entertain us with thrilling movie special effects or provide mission-critical support for government and defense, SGI® systems and expertise are empowering a world of innovation and discovery. The company, located on the Web at, is headquartered in Mountain View, Calif., and has offices worldwide.

About TeraBurst Networks
Founded in January 2000, TeraBurst Networks, Inc. develops intelligent, high performance optical networking solutions that are designed to enable service providers to realize the promise of next-generation photonic networking while maintaining the performance benefits of current technologies. Sunnyvale, Calif.-based TeraBurst's optical switching systems - the OMS™ platform and its subnetwork management system software are designed to provide significant cost savings and enable revenue-generating optical services. For more information, please visit

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Media Contacts:
Doug Ramsey, Calit² (858) 822-5825
Mario Aguilera, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (858) 534-3626
Jason Foster, SDSU (619) 594-2585
Judith Morgan Jennings, Cox Communications (619) 266-5382
John Watson, SGI (650) 933-1652
Marty Morgan, Panoram (818) 504-0714 x124
Patricia Ivanoff, TeraBurst (408) 773-4126

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